• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Alex
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 31.10.14, 11:13
  • Opened by: tomaz
  • Closed by: Alex
  • Closed on: 29.07.15, 10:06
  • Reason: Closed
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #6238 - Site breaks down after small custom css changes


Please see the site (the data about the site is in my account) - it is best that you see it for yourself rather that I send you a screenshot.

At first I thought that I by accident deleted some code as I earlier this day reported here: http://support.promokit.eu/index.php?do=details&task_id=5763#comment26424 but this is not the case - evidentelly the site crushes after small changes insterted in theme settings/custom css - as it seems the system accepts some custom code and some not - I can not explain the problem. There must be some serious problem in the code since it is now after hours of working clear that after insterting some normal css code - the system “eats up” other code or do things not normal…


Kate Support 31 Oct 2014, 11:44

Hi Tomaz,
Your site crashed because your last custom css was not properly saved and some final brackets “}” were lost.
For now your site look is back to normal.
We’ll try to investigate soon what causes code cropping in Custom css.

To fix the Promo minic slider look in responsive you will later need to add this code to the custom css

  @media (max-width: 979px) and (min-width: 729px) {
  #page #blocksliderpluspromo .promo_section ul li:nth-child(1), #page #blocksliderpluspromo .promo_section ul li:nth-child(2) {
      width: 163px !important;
      height: 163px !important;

    #page #blocksliderpluspromo .promo_section ul li {margin-top: 0px;}

tomaz 31 Oct 2014, 11:49

Thank you very much for now!

tomaz 31 Oct 2014, 11:52

when I copied your code above in custom css after saving that the entire code was not saved - only that I found from the code….

 @media (max-width: 979px) and (min-width: 729px) {
#page #block

As if there is some limitation of custom code lines or something else that I am not aware of

Alex 31 Oct 2014, 12:47

Hi. Yes we see that bug. We will try to investigate the reason and write you back.

Marek 01 Nov 2014, 21:55

Hello Tomaz.
Yes, there is a limitation there. We will fix that in the next theme version. For now you can add custom css code directly to the css files of your theme.

tomaz 03 Nov 2014, 12:11

When will this bug be fixed? Or can you integrate the fix into my site before next update? I was preparing the site to be up and running very soon but now I can not bypass these issues.

Because when I copied/pasted the entire css code inside custom css in BO into alysum.css in my theme only some changes are made, some are not. I just dont want to play extra miles with what works, what does not. I would also need the “custom codes” that you already built in the code somewhere on the site but where lost because of the bug. The majority of these codes are responsive related since these code was on the end of the custom css in BO. Like promominic slider, product corousel, isotope…

Marek 03 Nov 2014, 15:35

I can help you with that, but I need access to your database through phpMyAdmin

tomaz 03 Nov 2014, 18:29

Ok. Where can I send you the data or is there some free module for inside mysql?
I hope the site will be ok after next updates

Marek 03 Nov 2014, 20:45

you can put access data in your profile to any field. Yes, this issue will be fixed in the next theme version.

tomaz 03 Nov 2014, 21:56

i send you the data. please be carefull with what you do and also explain

I put the data inside the Jabber ID (optional) - if you are not sure what it is, you can send me email private also.

Marek 03 Nov 2014, 22:16

I just changes the type of value files of “theme settings” module from varchar to mediumtext. Now css should be fully saved.

tomaz 04 Nov 2014, 07:21

Thanks. It looks ok. Was your action already a part of bug fix that will be in the next release? So that I know what to do when updating. Is there some date known for release?

Marek 04 Nov 2014, 09:00

Yes, this fix wii be in the next theme release.

tomaz 06 Jul 2015, 20:59


I add some extra lines to the custom css but still there I likely again have gone over the limit. Can you please arrange that for the better or tell me where to make changes.
I would rather not update the theme. too many changes…

Alex 06 Jul 2015, 21:49

Hi. If you have such a lot CSS code I strongly recommend it to add directly to some css file. For example in the end of the file

tomaz 08 Jul 2015, 14:09

I put all the media css for different screens to alysum.css but but some styles are mixed up now. After trying to put back all the files (and not more) to css custom style I could not do it. Was not allowed to do it anymore. How can this be fixed?

Alex 08 Jul 2015, 17:32

I put all the media css for different screens to alysum.css but but some styles are mixed up now. After trying to put back all the files (and not more) to css custom style I could not do it. Sorry but I didn’t understand your problem.

Put all your css code to the end of the alysum.css and you problem will be solved

tomaz 08 Jul 2015, 18:21


I add some extra lines to the custom css but still there I likely again have gone over the limit. Can you please arrange that for the better or tell me where to make changes.
I would rather not update the theme. too many changes…

tomaz 08 Jul 2015, 18:30

Now I added all the code from custom.css to alysum.css but I think that now everything is crashed. As I see on some devices. I cleared the cache but it looks that now everything is very much broken. What can we do?

Marek 08 Jul 2015, 21:11

Hi Tomasz.
You just need to change the type of the “name” column in the “ps_pk_theme_settings” table to “TEXT” http://c2n.me/3kt2LFz

tomaz 08 Jul 2015, 23:33

thanks for helping. It somehow worked so that I got back my custom css.
still there are some things wrong on the site. I am interested how to add a little line of code to the header top just on the right or left side of Login / Register?

this is the code I want to add on the top because maybe the strange things happen because of facebook login:
<div class=”fblogin”><p onclick=”fblogin_mypresta();”><span>{l s=’Log in with facebook’ }</span></p></div>
{if !$logged}
var gglogin_appid=’{/literal}{$ggl_appid|escape:’html’}{literal}’;
<div class=”glogin”>
<div id=”customBtnTop” class=”customGPlusSignIn” onclick=”glogin_mypresta();”>
<span class=”buttonText”>{l s=’Log in with Google’ mod=’glogin’}</span>

Alex 09 Jul 2015, 09:07

You can add it in the themes/alysum/header.tpl