• Closed by: Alex
  • Closed on: 08.04.15, 14:04
  • Reason: No answer from a customer
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #7139 - Problems with simpleblog

I install the new update 4.2 in prestashop, and when i want to add a post i recive this errror. It is not always


Module ph_simpleblog not found
at line 49 in file classes/controller/ModuleAdminController.php

44. if (!$tab→module)
45. throw new PrestaShopException(’Admin tab ‘.get_class($this).’ is not a module tab’);
47. $this→module = Module::getInstanceByName($tab→module);
48. if (!$this→module→id)
49. throw new PrestaShopException(”Module {$tab→module} not found”);
50. }
52. public function createTemplate($tpl_name)
53. {
54. if (file_exists(_PS_THEME_DIR_.’modules/’.$this→module→name.’/views/templates/admin/’.$tpl_name) && $this→viewAccess())

  ModuleAdminControllerCore->__construct - [line 91 - modules/ph_simpleblog/controllers/admin/AdminSimpleBlogPostsController.php]
  AdminSimpleBlogPostsController->__construct - [line 135 - classes/controller/Controller.php] - [2 Arguments]
  ControllerCore::getController - [line 366 - classes/Dispatcher.php] - [1 Arguments]
  DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 54 - admin/index.php]


Kate Support 25 Mar 2015, 10:17

Please try to reset Simple Blog module and Simple blog - Recent posts module.

If the error repeats after reset then please update the BO url in your profile, because current doesn’t work, and I will check the issue.
