• Closed by: Alex
  • Closed on: 18.05.15, 13:03
  • Reason: Closed
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #7374 - Color of red circles in checkout process

Hi, where can I change color of red circles in checkout process? Thanks.


Kate Support 20 Apr 2015, 11:38

you can change the circles color with this code

ul.step li.step_current span em, ul.step li a em {background-color: #e17365 !important;}

The lines connecting circles are images. You can find them in folder /themes/alysum/img/step_current.gif , /themes/alysum/img/step_done.gif, /themes/alysum/img/step_standard.gif
Edit these images in amy image editor to chenge their color.
