ID Summary Status:  desc Opened by Opened Last Edited
25698 Creative Element | Can't change the fonts of Product Pa... Waiting on customer Nikolay Dimitrov 01.08.24, 14:20 02.08.24, 22:54
25727 Compatibility Prestashop 8.1.7 ? Waiting on customer Florian Durrer 22.08.24, 21:21 22.08.24, 21:31
25737 Class "pk-flex" is getting automatically added after sa... Waiting on customer Grupo Belle 31.08.24, 14:53 09.09.24, 22:05
25776 Bug on cart Waiting on customer Admin Bootique 25.09.24, 14:36 09.10.24, 20:26
25709 bestseller and new products carousels are empty Waiting on customer CM Amira 07.08.24, 17:53 08.08.24, 20:03
25719 Availability color in product page Waiting on customer Nicola 19.08.24, 10:01 29.08.24, 23:01
25792 AMP Category View Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 04.10.24, 00:14 07.10.24, 21:55
25704 alysum translate heading Waiting on customer Bartłomiej Rychlewski 05.08.24, 12:29 19.09.24, 21:39
25715 Alysium theme menu and logo Waiting on customer juan miguel alonso 12.08.24, 15:33 13.08.24, 22:17
25708 add new font family Waiting on customer Iryna Davydova 07.08.24, 14:07 10.08.24, 21:10
25754 ABOUT SEARCH BAR Waiting on customer francois andrieu 11.09.24, 18:34 15.09.24, 20:38
25734 'Sold out' not visible in AMP list view Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 28.08.24, 02:25 26.09.24, 00:22
25801 preview button in category view Queued Thomas Ullrich 09.10.24, 22:03 10.10.24, 23:31
Showing tickets 41 - 53 of 53
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