ID Summary Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited  desc
25729 Imposible to complete installation due to module pklib Waiting on customer Frederic RIVAL 25.08.24, 21:45 26.08.24, 19:03
25730 PK Menu is not present/installed Waiting on customer Giuseppe D'Onofrio 26.08.24, 12:56 26.08.24, 19:03
25727 Compatibility Prestashop 8.1.7 ? Waiting on customer Florian Durrer 22.08.24, 21:21 22.08.24, 21:31
25714 The mobile version does not load correctly. Waiting on customer mga 11.08.24, 12:06 19.08.24, 23:29
25715 Alysium theme menu and logo Waiting on customer juan miguel alonso 12.08.24, 15:33 13.08.24, 22:17
25707 Payment Logo Waiting on customer Taweesak 07.08.24, 12:01 13.08.24, 22:11
25708 add new font family Waiting on customer Iryna Davydova 07.08.24, 14:07 10.08.24, 21:10
25711 Issue with Icons in "My Account" Section Waiting on customer Herbert Stock 08.08.24, 00:07 08.08.24, 20:52
25709 bestseller and new products carousels are empty Waiting on customer CM Amira 07.08.24, 17:53 08.08.24, 20:03
25705 desktop performance is very low Waiting on customer CM Amira 06.08.24, 12:03 08.08.24, 20:03
25712 mobile vesion diplay 2 products in carousels Waiting on customer CM Amira 08.08.24, 11:58 08.08.24, 20:01
25710 mobile version filter result url Waiting on customer CM Amira 07.08.24, 19:56 07.08.24, 21:37
25698 Creative Element | Can't change the fonts of Product Pa... Waiting on customer Nikolay Dimitrov 01.08.24, 14:20 02.08.24, 22:54
Showing tickets 41 - 53 of 53
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