• Closed by: Marek
  • Closed on: 07.04.19, 21:35
  • Reason: Closed
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #14035 - menu item mouse over doesn't works

Hi Marek,

II don’t know if you have recieve my preview ticket issu but I think it has been closed before to send you the new issue:

I have a top menu:

Acceuil Couchages Accessoires

for this 3 item when I going to them with the mouse and I can see mouse changed to hand and I am able to clik

for the lastest item in the menu:

A propose de nous blog contacter nous

The mouse didn’t change to hand I have to mouve the mouse below to item to see the mouse change to hand

This is a problem for customer to understand that they have a link available.

Why the 3 fist item is working properly and not the last 3 one?

Please see attached doc.




Marek 23 Mar 2019, 11:11

Let me give you an advice.
There is not much place in the header and I would suggest you to consider to reduce your menu items number.

Marek 23 Mar 2019, 11:14

Another way is to reduce spaces between menu items

@media (min-width:1024px) {
  body #pk_top_menu.pk-menu-horizontal li.level-1 > a {padding: 15px 10px;}