• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 06.04.20, 18:38
  • Opened by: Lynda
  • Closed by: Fred
  • Closed on: 09.06.20, 11:21
  • Reason: Closed
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #17240 - Error 500 on AMP after update

Hi, Fred,

Since you updated the theme of my webshop, there is an error 500 on the AMP product pages.

Thank you for your help.


Lynda 06 Apr 2020, 19:03

I disabled AMP while waiting to resolve the problem.

Thomas Blauenfeldt 06 Apr 2020, 19:26

Hi Lynda, could you enable debug mode on your shop and take a screenshot of the error.
Error is a general error, to show details and find the issue enable debug mode

Lynda 06 Apr 2020, 21:25

Hi, Thomas,

Here are two screenshots. One of homepage of desktop version, one of product page of AMP. It seems Size Guide cause trouble on AMP, I disabled it.

Thank you.


Capture d’écran 2020-04-06 a... (216.5 KiB)
Capture d’écran 2020-04-06 a... (68.5 KiB)
Lynda 06 Apr 2020, 21:31

I didn’t update Promokit modules after theme update because I do the updates one after the other to better detect any problems. Was that good ?

Fred 06 Apr 2020, 21:46

Hi, Lynda.
As I can see AMP works fine, did you find a solution?

Lynda 06 Apr 2020, 21:49

I disabled Size Guide module, but I would like enable it…

Fred 06 Apr 2020, 21:51

Now you can enable it

Lynda 06 Apr 2020, 22:00

There is no longer error 500 but the size guide no longer appears on the AMP product pages…

Fred 06 Apr 2020, 22:03

there is a new module Size Guide has been released, if you want enable it do the following:
1. uninstall and delete current Size Guide module
2. go to your server into the modules folder, find there “pksizeguide-” folder and rename it to “pksizeguide” 3. Install it in the back office

Lynda 08 Apr 2020, 22:48

I deleted Size Guide module. Now, how can I install it again ?

Fred 09 Apr 2020, 09:46

take new size guide module from archive (download from themeforest), module folder name is pksizeguide, copy it to your server into the “modules” folder, go to your back office and install it

Lynda 09 Apr 2020, 14:16

I deleted Size Guide module. Now, how can I install it again ?

Fred 09 Apr 2020, 14:19

Have you tried to search it?

Lynda 09 Apr 2020, 14:38

Yes, I installed again Size Guide module. But there is a problem : when I modify text of “How to mesure” tab, all the datas are deleted and I have to reset the module…

Lynda 09 Apr 2020, 16:22

Yes, I installed again Size Guide module. But there is a problem : when I modify text of “How to mesure” tab, all the datas are deleted and I have to reset the module…

Fred 09 Apr 2020, 20:54

But the module is not configured https://take.ms/eBPd8

Lynda 09 Apr 2020, 22:04
Fred 10 Apr 2020, 10:07

I just make module reset and all works fine for me now

Lynda 10 Apr 2020, 10:50

Try to paste this following code on “How to measure tab”, then save. All is erased !

<h2 class=”title-measure”>Comment prendre vos mesures</h2>
<ol class=”text-measure”>
<li>Munissez-vous d’un mètre ruban de couturière.</li>
<li><strong>Tour de cou :</strong>
<li>Placez le mètre autour de la base de votre cou.</li>
<li>Relevez la mesure en arrondissant au centimètre près.</li>
<li><strong>Tour de poitrine :</strong>
<li>Prenez la mesure autour de votre poitrine en mettant le mètre sous les aisselles (généralement juste au dessus des mamelons). </li>
<li><strong>Longueur de bras :</strong>
<li>Posez votre main sur votre hanche en pliant le coude.</li>
<li>Demandez à quelqu’un de mesurer la distance entre le milieu de votre épaule et votre poignet, en passant par le coude.</li>
<li><strong>Tour de taille :</strong>
<li>Placez le mètre autour de votre taille à la hauteur où vous portez généralement les pantalons. Ne serrez pas trop le mètre de façon à pouvoir passer un doigt entre celui-ci et votre taille.</li>
<li><strong>Longueur d’entrejambe :</strong>
<li>Mettez une paire de chaussures. Demandez à quelqu’un de mesurer de mesurer la distance entre le haut de l’arrière de votre cuisse et l’arrière de votre talon, à l’endroit où vous souhaitez que votre pantalon se termine.</li>

Fred 10 Apr 2020, 13:11

Yes, I see.
We are working on that. Sorry for inconvenience.

Fred 10 Apr 2020, 13:14

I have noticed you are using PHP version 7.3. Prestashop doesn’t support it yet, could you please downgrade php to 7.2. version?

Lynda 15 Apr 2020, 10:38

Done. But there is always the issue.

Fred 15 Apr 2020, 15:35

Please test it out now, it seems finally works

Lynda 15 Apr 2020, 15:37

Yes, it works now. Thank you, Fred !

Lynda 25 May 2020, 21:28

Hi ! I have two Size guide folders in my module folder : one named “pk_sizeguide!” and another one named “pksizeguide”. Wich one can I delete ?
Thank you.

Fred 25 May 2020, 21:29

pk_sizeguide - is outdated, remove it