• Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
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Ticket #18343 - Where are the Custom Product Tabs ?

We want to add some Custom Product Tabs to our theme, but tabs are not displayed anywhere…

I enable “Active”, “Allowed for all Manufactures” and “Allowed for all Categories”,but they are not shown.

How do we make to show tabs?


Captura de pantalla 2020-06-1... (91.2 KiB)


Fred 17 Jun 2020, 10:49

Please try to reset/reinstall Custom Tabs module

Anuubis Solutions S.C.V. F54490156 17 Jun 2020, 12:57

How Can I add manually to product.tpl?

Fred 17 Jun 2020, 21:36

As I can see you have customised Product page. Try to restore original files

Anuubis Solutions S.C.V. F54490156 18 Jun 2020, 10:28

Yes, we put Revi Reviews. But this is not the code for Tabs???

{if (isset($pkts.pp_product_tabs) && ($pkts.pp_product_tabs == 1))}
    {block name='product_tabs'}
    <div class="tabs-container">
      <div class="tabs page-width">
        <ul class="nav nav-tabs flex-container">
          {if $product.description}
          <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link{if $product.description} active{/if}" data-toggle="tab" href="#description"><h5>{l s='Description' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h5></a>
          {if (isset($pkts.pp_details_tab) && ($pkts.pp_details_tab == 1))}
          <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link{if !$product.description} active{/if}" data-toggle="tab" href="#product-details"><h5>{l s='Product Details' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h5></a>
          {if $product.attachments}
          <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#attachments"><h5>{l s='Attachments' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h5></a>
          {foreach from=$product.extraContent item=extra key=extraKey}
          <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#extra-{$extraKey}"><h5>{$extra.title}</h5></a>

          {hook h='productTab'}


        <div class="tab-content" id="tab-content">

         <div class="tab-pane fade in{if $product.description || (isset($pkts.pp_details_tab) && ($pkts.pp_details_tab == 0))} active{/if}" id="description">
           {block name='product_description'}
             <div class="product-description">{$product.description nofilter}</div>
         {block name='product_details'}
           {include file='catalog/_partials/product-details.tpl'}

         {block name='product_attachments'}
           {if $product.attachments}
            <div class="tab-pane fade in" id="attachments">
               <section class="product-attachments">
                 <h3 class="h5 text-uppercase">{l s='Download' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}</h3>
                 {foreach from=$product.attachments item=attachment}
                   <div class="attachment">
                     <h4><a href="{url entity='attachment' params=['id_attachment' => $attachment.id_attachment]}">{$attachment.name}</a></h4>
                     <a href="{url entity='attachment' params=['id_attachment' => $attachment.id_attachment]}">
                       {l s='Download' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'} ({$attachment.file_size_formatted})
         {foreach from=$product.extraContent item=extra key=extraKey}
         <div class="tab-pane fade in {$extra.attr.class}" id="extra-{$extraKey}"{foreach $extra.attr as $key => $val}{if ($key != 'id') && ($key != 'class')} {$key}="{$val}"{/if}{/foreach}>
             {$extra.content nofilter}

         {hook h='productTabContent'}

Fred 18 Jun 2020, 10:36

Just restore original file to see your tabs. Then add your code.

Anuubis Solutions S.C.V. F54490156 18 Jun 2020, 10:44

I restore the original file, but nothing: custom tabs don’t appear and I lost my code.


Anuubis Solutions S.C.V. F54490156 22 Jun 2020, 10:02

It’s a problem with this plugin???

Fred 22 Jun 2020, 10:54

No. please check this out https://take.ms/nrI26