• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 07.12.21, 10:44
  • Opened by: Thomas Ullrich
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #22732 - AMP (mobile) version products list is not updated - shows deactivated products

The AMP version product list of our store shows products which are deactivated or in status ‘do not display in search and catalogue’. We cannot update the list at all. This is a cahche problem I understand but all efforts to solve this matter failed so far. I understand there is a link to clear the Google AMP Cache (shoul be in our case: https://musterheld-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/musterheld.com/mobile) but t does not solve the problem. There is an option in the admin saying ‘refresh Google Cache’ which we changed to ‘every minute’ - does not help. Still deactivated products (or blinded out) are shown in the product list.

How can I change that?


Thomas Ullrich 07 Dec 2021, 11:09

10 minutes later dectivated do not show up anymore. So deactivating seems to work. As this has to be done manuallly, I wonde whether there is an automation given somewhere. However, think you can close this ticket. It somehow works, even with a timely delay. There is another one for ‘sold out’ label missing in AMP version, which is still important.

Fred 07 Dec 2021, 13:28

Yes, I know about Google cache. We have this feature in our TODO to implement in further versions