• Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
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  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #22791 - [SOLVED] Error creating the object. simpleblog_post (Unknown column 'gallery_style' in 'field list')

The blog module does not allow me to save images when I create a new post. When I try to save by clicking the ‘Save and stay’ button I get this error:

An error occurred while creating the object. simpleblog_post (Unknown column ‘gallery_style’ in ‘field list’)

Furthermore, the post does not appear among the published articles.


Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 13.... (282.6 KiB)


Fred 17 Dec 2021, 13:07

Hi, Alessandro.
You need to run this SQL fix in your phpMyAdmin

ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_simpleblog_post` ADD `gallery_style` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL AFTER `id_product`;

Replace “PREFIX” with your real database prefix

Alessandro Acciardi 21 Dec 2021, 19:18

i did it! THank u sow much fred!