ID Summary Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited
 14579   Show Best Seller in Home Product List   Closed STUDIO B52 17.05.19, 17:39 02.07.19, 21:44
 14571   Wishlist Appear Twice  Closed STUDIO B52 17.05.19, 12:57 01.08.19, 12:17
 14567   The search in the store does not work and makes the sto ... Closed chischis chischis 17.05.19, 11:03 02.07.19, 21:48
 14538   newsletter popup  Closed lorenzo burrai 14.05.19, 16:19
 14527   AJAX Search not working  Closed Noé Ferrari 14.05.19, 11:06 14.05.19, 21:36
 14519   Add and replace  Closed alejandro martinez 13.05.19, 15:24 02.07.19, 21:42
 14511   Youtube Autoplay slider revolution  Closed lorenzo burrai 12.05.19, 17:34 13.05.19, 10:34
 14508   Amp Product filter   Closed Piotr Pluta 12.05.19, 13:30 12.05.19, 23:29
 14502   Category page filters column  Closed lorenzo burrai 11.05.19, 20:31
 14497   Image carousel problem  Closed lorenzo burrai 11.05.19, 14:13 11.06.19, 21:21
 14488   looks very bad  Closed chischis chischis 10.05.19, 19:23 02.07.19, 15:38
 14459   Translate Home Links  Closed Noé Ferrari 08.05.19, 15:45 11.06.19, 09:53
 14431   Blog AMP  Closed Piotr Pluta 06.05.19, 20:58 02.07.19, 21:54
 14404   Pagination in category page  Closed lorenzo burrai 03.05.19, 11:57 11.06.19, 21:21
 14373   Megamenu problem  Closed Noé Ferrari 30.04.19, 09:40 30.04.19, 11:35
 14372   Quick registration, problem with last name  Closed Noé Ferrari 30.04.19, 08:35 11.06.19, 09:48
 14371   Image is not displayed properly.  Closed Noé Ferrari 30.04.19, 08:27 08.05.19, 20:55
 14299   Small CSS issue with the instagram feed  Closed Kapitol 20.04.19, 02:45 29.04.19, 13:08
 14271   Add to favorite from product list  Closed Piotr Pluta 16.04.19, 13:03 14.06.19, 19:04
 14142   Problem when hovering custom links and menu  Closed Pascal PERRET 02.04.19, 09:43 01.05.19, 15:57
Showing tickets 501 - 520 of 858
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