ID Summary Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited
 20971   promokit pop up module  Closed juan cantu 05.03.21, 21:44 07.03.21, 14:42
 20970   Blog mobile version not working  Closed juan cantu 05.03.21, 21:32 07.03.21, 12:00
 20933   Customer Reassurance module  Closed juan cantu 02.03.21, 23:28 06.03.21, 10:14
 20865   I cant add products in AMP version   Closed juan cantu 24.02.21, 16:08 28.02.21, 09:42
 20666   AMP error  Closed juan cantu 04.02.21, 19:15 25.02.21, 00:10
 20306   Add Google Ads Conversion when sale is done  Closed juan cantu 24.12.20, 00:07 24.12.20, 14:12
 20112   Upload images to pspagebuilder  Closed juan cantu 04.12.20, 17:31 05.12.20, 10:33
 19635   email not sending  Closed juan cantu 31.10.20, 07:13 10.11.20, 18:48
 19523   Cant put product in cart in AMP version   Closed juan cantu 22.10.20, 02:08 26.10.20, 09:56
 19394   AMP Google Search Console error  Closed juan cantu 09.10.20, 00:23 11.10.20, 10:07
 19371   Using Revolution Slider theme template in CMS page  Closed juan cantu 07.10.20, 07:09 07.10.20, 18:19
 19333   Product Page Variant Bug  Closed juan cantu 05.10.20, 02:17 16.10.20, 10:25
 19330   Search bar not finding products  Closed juan cantu 03.10.20, 22:44 05.10.20, 08:37
 19312   Checkout Error  Closed juan cantu 02.10.20, 05:01 05.10.20, 20:13
 19259   Facebook log in not working  Closed juan cantu 25.09.20, 04:05 07.10.20, 16:08
 19219   Modify Contact Page  Closed juan cantu 21.09.20, 20:49 25.09.20, 10:55
 19076   HTTP 500 error after adding latin extended sym  Closed juan cantu 08.09.20, 23:38 11.09.20, 18:35
 24893   Amp categories have error 500 :(  Closed juan cantu 28.08.23, 23:54 19.09.23, 20:39
 24646   Instagram Module is not showing images  Closed juan cantu 11.05.23, 20:09 12.05.23, 17:27
 23754   Texture Icon are not showing properly :c  Closed juan cantu 14.09.22, 06:37 15.09.22, 19:39
Showing tickets 1 - 20 of 37
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