ID Summary Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited  desc
25775 left coloumn on mobile Waiting on customer bart46 25.09.24, 10:34 25.09.24, 23:00
25762 Manufacturers Logo Waiting on customer bart46 19.09.24, 15:51 23.09.24, 20:36
25704 alysum translate heading Waiting on customer Bartłomiej Rychlewski 05.08.24, 12:29 19.09.24, 21:39
25761 mobile version Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 19.09.24, 13:36 19.09.24, 21:38
25763 Pb with product Module on home page Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 19.09.24, 17:41 19.09.24, 21:29
25747 Promo Size Guide Not showing on AmP Waiting on customer Catina Charter 09.09.24, 21:00 17.09.24, 20:57
25744 How to add custom fonts in AMP? Waiting on customer Catina Charter 06.09.24, 08:12 16.09.24, 21:02
25754 ABOUT SEARCH BAR Waiting on customer francois andrieu 11.09.24, 18:34 15.09.24, 20:38
25757 translation pkelements module Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 13.09.24, 11:39 13.09.24, 21:26
25752 maj CE 2.11.0 Waiting on customer OLIVE HUGUES 11.09.24, 16:23 12.09.24, 21:18
25753 homepage on mobile Waiting on customer sven AUBERT 11.09.24, 17:54 11.09.24, 21:18
25737 Class "pk-flex" is getting automatically added after sa... Waiting on customer Grupo Belle 31.08.24, 14:53 09.09.24, 22:05
25743 Sliders from slider revolution doesn't show in CMS page Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 05.09.24, 10:19 09.09.24, 21:53
25725 Creative elements (templates & pages) language selector Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 22.08.24, 12:45 05.09.24, 20:38
25736 Strange 'Icons' for Subcategories Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 30.08.24, 17:37 03.09.24, 21:03
25741 Problems with URLs in mobile versions Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 03.09.24, 11:25 03.09.24, 20:24
25719 Availability color in product page Waiting on customer Nicola 19.08.24, 10:01 29.08.24, 23:01
25728 what's news button Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 25.08.24, 19:14 26.08.24, 19:35
25729 Imposible to complete installation due to module pklib Waiting on customer Frederic RIVAL 25.08.24, 21:45 26.08.24, 19:03
25730 PK Menu is not present/installed Waiting on customer Giuseppe D'Onofrio 26.08.24, 12:56 26.08.24, 19:03
Showing tickets 101 - 120 of 131
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