ID Summary Status: Opened by  asc Opened Last Edited
25752 maj CE 2.11.0 Waiting on customer OLIVE HUGUES 11.09.24, 16:23 12.09.24, 21:18
25728 what's news button Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 25.08.24, 19:14 26.08.24, 19:35
25763 Pb with product Module on home page Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 19.09.24, 17:41 19.09.24, 21:29
25869 Revolution slider show only with clearing firefox/chrom... Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 29.11.24, 09:05 30.11.24, 10:21
25774 Theme activation not possible Waiting on customer Patrick Inen 24.09.24, 20:39 26.09.24, 20:41
25925 je n'arrive pas à installer le theme Alysum Waiting on customer pech kidestok 20.01.25, 12:35 22.01.25, 22:13
25833 Activate creative elements Waiting on customer Piixlab consulting sl 04.11.24, 19:53 04.11.24, 20:46
25865 JS problems with child theme Waiting on customer Rémy Meglioli 25.11.24, 18:49 26.11.24, 22:47
25882 Move the price in the Creative Element product page Waiting on customer Rémy Meglioli 12.12.24, 17:04 13.12.24, 22:32
25942 Filters aspect in responsive mode Waiting on customer Rémy Meglioli 03.02.25, 17:53 07.02.25, 23:48
25753 homepage on mobile Waiting on customer sven AUBERT 11.09.24, 17:54 11.09.24, 21:18
25707 Payment Logo Waiting on customer Taweesak 07.08.24, 12:01 13.08.24, 22:11
25734 'Sold out' not visible in AMP list view Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 28.08.24, 02:25 26.09.24, 00:22
25736 Strange 'Icons' for Subcategories Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 30.08.24, 17:37 03.09.24, 21:03
25792 AMP Category View Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 04.10.24, 00:14 07.10.24, 21:55
25798 How to customize Search Result Page, Theme settings adm... Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 07.10.24, 19:55 09.10.24, 10:13
25801 preview button in category view Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 09.10.24, 22:03 14.10.24, 22:13
25819 Strange 'additional' Menu on AMP Checkout pages Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 26.10.24, 02:20 27.10.24, 11:20
25820 Wishlist AMP not working Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 27.10.24, 01:57 04.12.24, 13:11
25838 AMP category list view does not keep list position when... Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 09.11.24, 02:00 12.11.24, 21:31
Showing tickets 101 - 120 of 129
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