ID Summary Status:  desc Opened by Opened Last Edited
25850 Some issue with creative elements during save and json ... Waiting on customer Matteo Pizzanelli 19.11.24, 15:14 26.11.24, 22:00
25743 Sliders from slider revolution doesn't show in CMS page Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 05.09.24, 10:19 09.09.24, 21:53
25944 Side cart bar error Waiting on customer Olalon SCP 04.02.25, 06:46 04.02.25, 21:47
25930 Shopping cart error Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 21.01.25, 15:38 23.01.25, 14:48
25830 Several errors in the template Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 04.11.24, 12:37 15.11.24, 22:46
25881 Serious performance problem with Alysum theme Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 12.12.24, 11:29 18.12.24, 22:44
25846 selection into a subcategory Waiting on customer francois andrieu 17.11.24, 15:27 18.11.24, 16:52
25796 Search result problem Waiting on customer Grzegorz Wasilewski 07.10.24, 11:46 07.10.24, 23:28
25869 Revolution slider show only with clearing firefox/chrom... Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 29.11.24, 09:05 30.11.24, 10:21
25804 Revolution slider not always loading Waiting on customer Davide De Marchi 16.10.24, 14:41 22.10.24, 20:15
25849 Revolution Slider Firefox Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 19.11.24, 14:40 20.11.24, 00:08
25853 Reference with product variants Waiting on customer Cédric Limousin 20.11.24, 15:53 16.01.25, 22:41
25896 Redirecting the menu to the main category Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 30.12.24, 18:53 03.02.25, 22:42
25814 Promokit menu doesn't install Waiting on customer Florian Durrer 21.10.24, 21:06 22.10.24, 21:56
25747 Promo Size Guide Not showing on AmP Waiting on customer Catina Charter 09.09.24, 21:00 17.09.24, 20:57
25788 product page photo Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 01.10.24, 13:10 16.01.25, 22:18
25765 Product miniature like demo Waiting on customer borja vinagre 19.09.24, 19:11 03.10.24, 20:07
25843 product accessories doesn't work Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 12.11.24, 14:55 13.11.24, 23:13
25741 Problems with URLs in mobile versions Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 03.09.24, 11:25 03.09.24, 20:24
25794 problem with sort by prices on other country Waiting on customer francois andrieu 05.10.24, 13:37 05.10.24, 21:07
Showing tickets 21 - 40 of 131
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