ID Summary  desc Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited
25943 Can't find some translations Waiting on customer Olalon SCP 04.02.25, 06:44 05.02.25, 16:52
25832 Can't disable lightbox Waiting on customer Vladimir Techl 04.11.24, 12:49 05.11.24, 21:52
25916 Button links on the Home page Waiting on customer Walter Tamburini 15.01.25, 10:43 16.01.25, 22:37
25776 Bug on cart Waiting on customer Admin Bootique 25.09.24, 14:36 17.10.24, 23:03
25831 Broken icons in module list Waiting on customer Vladimir Techl 04.11.24, 12:42 04.11.24, 20:49
25920 Blog's sitemap link Queued Nicola 16.01.25, 15:29 07.02.25, 10:03
25928 blog module on mobile doesn't show ok Waiting on customer Olalon SCP 20.01.25, 17:01 24.01.25, 21:44
25709 bestseller and new products carousels are empty Waiting on customer CM Amira 07.08.24, 17:53 08.08.24, 20:03
25719 Availability color in product page Waiting on customer Nicola 19.08.24, 10:01 29.08.24, 23:01
25941 amp problem Waiting on customer francois andrieu 30.01.25, 23:05 06.02.25, 23:47
25938 AMP issue Waiting on customer Walter Tamburini 27.01.25, 16:27 04.02.25, 21:34
25818 AMP configuration blocking access to pages created with... Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 24.10.24, 19:39 07.11.24, 21:30
25792 AMP Category View Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 04.10.24, 00:14 07.10.24, 21:55
25838 AMP category list view does not keep list position when... Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 09.11.24, 02:00 12.11.24, 21:31
25704 alysum translate heading Waiting on customer Bartłomiej Rychlewski 05.08.24, 12:29 19.09.24, 21:39
25715 Alysium theme menu and logo Waiting on customer juan miguel alonso 12.08.24, 15:33 13.08.24, 22:17
25902 always the problem of faceted search Waiting on customer francois andrieu 08.01.25, 01:20 05.02.25, 17:02
25834 adding comments doesn't work Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 06.11.24, 12:16 07.11.24, 20:12
25933 Add product reference to the setting Waiting on customer Walter Tamburini 22.01.25, 16:34 22.01.25, 22:28
25708 add new font family Waiting on customer Iryna Davydova 07.08.24, 14:07 10.08.24, 21:10
Showing tickets 101 - 120 of 128
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