ID Summary Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited  desc
25952 translation problems Waiting on customer francois andrieu 09.02.25, 18:26 15.02.25, 23:52
25942 Filters aspect in responsive mode Waiting on customer Rémy Meglioli 03.02.25, 17:53 15.02.25, 22:52
25955 translation of elementor text boxes Waiting on customer mauro 14.02.25, 15:56 15.02.25, 22:47
25934 Related products Queued Jairo de la Fuente 22.01.25, 20:15 14.02.25, 20:06
25953 Payment methods loading Waiting on customer Walter Tamburini 12.02.25, 12:30 12.02.25, 22:16
25920 Blog's sitemap link Waiting on customer Nicola 16.01.25, 15:29 11.02.25, 15:43
25949 problem images in description of products on amp Waiting on customer francois andrieu 07.02.25, 09:38 09.02.25, 00:20
25946 How to properly use Creative Elements Waiting on customer DABO Comunicacion 06.02.25, 07:53 06.02.25, 23:55
25941 amp problem Waiting on customer francois andrieu 30.01.25, 23:05 06.02.25, 23:47
25940 Modify brand page Waiting on customer Marco Imbriaco 30.01.25, 09:52 06.02.25, 23:07
25948 How to reset Ecofood Template to its original version ? Waiting on customer Frederic RIVAL 06.02.25, 18:56 06.02.25, 22:34
25914 mobile tabs doesn't work Queued Lukasz Pawlina 14.01.25, 12:44 06.02.25, 11:23
25902 always the problem of faceted search Waiting on customer francois andrieu 08.01.25, 01:20 05.02.25, 17:02
25943 Can't find some translations Waiting on customer Olalon SCP 04.02.25, 06:44 05.02.25, 16:52
25944 Side cart bar error Waiting on customer Olalon SCP 04.02.25, 06:46 04.02.25, 21:47
25938 AMP issue Waiting on customer Walter Tamburini 27.01.25, 16:27 04.02.25, 21:34
25896 Redirecting the menu to the main category Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 30.12.24, 18:53 03.02.25, 22:42
25929 Add new filters for faceted search Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 20.01.25, 20:23 28.01.25, 22:18
25923 category page miniature configuration Waiting on customer Carlo Miano 17.01.25, 18:12 28.01.25, 00:24
25936 Navbar/header buttons and cart widget on home page not ... Waiting on customer Donato Frangione 25.01.25, 13:46 27.01.25, 20:18
Showing tickets 1 - 20 of 131
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