ID Summary Status: Opened by  desc Opened Last Edited
 25316   Promokit Cookies module  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 19.02.24, 10:50 19.02.24, 14:13
 25288   Remove icons from thumbnails  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 09.02.24, 20:39 12.02.24, 21:07
 25286   Hideable category bar  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 09.02.24, 18:46 01.03.24, 14:04
 25202   Payment logo in cart  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 10.01.24, 13:12 11.01.24, 15:16
 25166   Email template  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 29.12.23, 18:00 03.01.24, 13:31
 25165   Facebook app?  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 29.12.23, 17:49 30.12.23, 09:04
 25161   How to disable What's new on the home page?  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 28.12.23, 19:28 30.12.23, 09:03
 25156   Multilingualism in slider doesn't work  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 27.12.23, 20:02 08.04.24, 19:24
 25155   Shop.Theme.Customeraccount Translation doesn't work  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 27.12.23, 18:45 09.04.24, 22:46
 25153   I can't change the header translation  Closed Tomasz Malinowski 26.12.23, 22:09 27.12.23, 19:07
 25149   Selecting the size causes the error "undefined" to appe ... Closed Tomasz Malinowski 21.12.23, 23:31 22.12.23, 15:27
 25143   Promokit Widgets - actionAdminControllerSetMedia (not h ... Closed Tomasz Malinowski 20.12.23, 15:56 20.12.23, 19:11
Showing tickets 1 - 12 of 12
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