ID Summary Status: Opened by  desc Opened Last Edited
25714 The mobile version does not load correctly. Waiting on customer mga 11.08.24, 12:06 19.08.24, 23:29
25955 translation of elementor text boxes Waiting on customer mauro 14.02.25, 15:56 15.02.25, 22:47
25850 Some issue with creative elements during save and json ... Waiting on customer Matteo Pizzanelli 19.11.24, 15:14 26.11.24, 22:00
25795 PopUp Module Waiting on customer marco parascenzo 07.10.24, 09:58 09.10.24, 15:41
25940 Modify brand page Waiting on customer Marco Imbriaco 30.01.25, 09:52 06.02.25, 23:07
25914 mobile tabs doesn't work Queued Lukasz Pawlina 14.01.25, 12:44 06.02.25, 11:23
25843 product accessories doesn't work Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 12.11.24, 14:55 13.11.24, 23:13
25834 adding comments doesn't work Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 06.11.24, 12:16 07.11.24, 20:12
25788 product page photo Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 01.10.24, 13:10 16.01.25, 22:18
25783 translation comments Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 26.09.24, 08:55 26.09.24, 20:42
25761 mobile version Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 19.09.24, 13:36 19.09.24, 21:38
25757 translation pkelements module Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 13.09.24, 11:39 13.09.24, 21:26
25874 Swap images on hover Waiting on customer Karolina Murlowska 02.12.24, 14:24 02.12.24, 22:49
25894 I am getting Purchase code invalid when trying to regis... Waiting on customer Kamal Dev 20.12.24, 18:56 20.12.24, 21:33
25715 Alysium theme menu and logo Waiting on customer juan miguel alonso 12.08.24, 15:33 13.08.24, 22:17
25934 Related products Queued Jairo de la Fuente 22.01.25, 20:15 14.02.25, 20:06
25931 Translations Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 21.01.25, 15:45 21.01.25, 16:50
25930 Shopping cart error Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 21.01.25, 15:38 23.01.25, 14:48
25913 Change shadow color Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 13.01.25, 21:58 15.01.25, 23:47
25908 Translations of modules Waiting on customer Jairo de la Fuente 11.01.25, 16:35 13.01.25, 23:24
Showing tickets 41 - 60 of 131
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