ID Summary  desc Status: Opened by Opened Last Edited
25929 Add new filters for faceted search Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 20.01.25, 20:23 28.01.25, 22:18
25897 Add a grey border to the product thumbnail Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 30.12.24, 19:20 04.01.25, 14:37
25833 Activate creative elements Waiting on customer Piixlab consulting sl 04.11.24, 19:53 04.11.24, 20:46
25845 Access to the Promokit module menu not available Waiting on customer Vincent Michelot 14.11.24, 11:25 14.11.24, 22:53
25754 ABOUT SEARCH BAR Waiting on customer francois andrieu 11.09.24, 18:34 15.09.24, 20:38
25828 ABOUT AMP Waiting on customer francois andrieu 02.11.24, 16:17 03.11.24, 23:02
25734 'Sold out' not visible in AMP list view Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 28.08.24, 02:25 26.09.24, 00:22
25840 Integration of creative elements with promokit product... Waiting on customer Benbrahim Othmane 10.11.24, 15:24 10.11.24, 21:49
Showing tickets 121 - 128 of 128
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