ID Summary Status: Opened by  desc Opened Last Edited
25821 problem on brands Waiting on customer francois andrieu 27.10.24, 10:41 30.10.24, 21:53
25794 problem with sort by prices on other country Waiting on customer francois andrieu 05.10.24, 13:37 05.10.24, 21:07
25754 ABOUT SEARCH BAR Waiting on customer francois andrieu 11.09.24, 18:34 15.09.24, 20:38
25814 Promokit menu doesn't install Waiting on customer Florian Durrer 21.10.24, 21:06 22.10.24, 21:56
25727 Compatibility Prestashop 8.1.7 ? Waiting on customer Florian Durrer 22.08.24, 21:21 22.08.24, 21:31
25936 Navbar/header buttons and cart widget on home page not ... Waiting on customer Donato Frangione 25.01.25, 13:46 27.01.25, 20:18
25896 Redirecting the menu to the main category Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 30.12.24, 18:53 03.02.25, 22:42
25929 Add new filters for faceted search Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 20.01.25, 20:23 28.01.25, 22:18
25897 Add a grey border to the product thumbnail Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 30.12.24, 19:20 04.01.25, 14:37
25851 Customized labels Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 19.11.24, 16:36 26.11.24, 21:53
25844 Pixelated Images on Web Display Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 12.11.24, 16:16 12.11.24, 21:19
25818 AMP configuration blocking access to pages created with... Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 24.10.24, 19:39 07.11.24, 21:30
25824 Change the MPN value of specific references to Product ... Waiting on customer Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S 28.10.24, 21:36 07.11.24, 21:22
25881 Serious performance problem with Alysum theme Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 12.12.24, 11:29 18.12.24, 22:44
25743 Sliders from slider revolution doesn't show in CMS page Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 05.09.24, 10:19 09.09.24, 21:53
25725 Creative elements (templates & pages) language selector Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 22.08.24, 12:45 05.09.24, 20:38
25741 Problems with URLs in mobile versions Waiting on customer Dinamic Comunicación 03.09.24, 11:25 03.09.24, 20:24
25811 Newsletter subscription freeze the website Waiting on customer Davide De Marchi 17.10.24, 18:00 22.10.24, 22:04
25809 Collapsed filters not showing on mobile Waiting on customer Davide De Marchi 17.10.24, 16:37 22.10.24, 20:16
25804 Revolution slider not always loading Waiting on customer Davide De Marchi 16.10.24, 14:41 22.10.24, 20:15
Showing tickets 81 - 100 of 131
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