ID Summary Status: Opened by  asc Opened Last Edited
 25611   Price filter only works if another filter is selected p ... Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 20.06.24, 13:27 20.06.24, 21:33
 25576   Display two items per row in category page  Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 27.05.24, 14:00 31.05.24, 15:56
 25567   Displaying search module with Alysum  Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 23.05.24, 09:48 27.05.24, 21:13
 25465   Promokit Size Guide  Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 05.04.24, 11:38 05.04.24, 17:51
 25271   Active tab Menu  Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 02.02.24, 13:55 05.02.24, 16:43
 25255   Parse error after moving shop from staging environment  ... Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 29.01.24, 14:23 30.01.24, 18:52
 25207   Some labels and breadcrumbs appear in italian. Images l ... Closed Prisma Ingenieria y Diseno S.L. 10.01.24, 17:54 11.01.24, 12:54
Showing tickets 1 - 7 of 7
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