ID Summary Status:  desc Opened by Opened Last Edited
25799 Mobile menu doesn't work properly Waiting on customer Davide De Marchi 08.10.24, 12:05 09.10.24, 15:43
25798 How to customize Search Result Page, Theme settings adm... Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 07.10.24, 19:55 09.10.24, 10:13
25796 Search result problem Waiting on customer Grzegorz Wasilewski 07.10.24, 11:46 07.10.24, 23:28
25795 PopUp Module Waiting on customer marco parascenzo 07.10.24, 09:58 09.10.24, 15:41
25794 problem with sort by prices on other country Waiting on customer francois andrieu 05.10.24, 13:37 05.10.24, 21:07
25793 theme for prestashop 1.7 Waiting on customer bart46 04.10.24, 16:54 09.10.24, 20:13
25792 AMP Category View Waiting on customer Thomas Ullrich 04.10.24, 00:14 07.10.24, 21:55
25789 Display Attribute on product carousel Waiting on customer bart46 02.10.24, 11:13 07.10.24, 21:58
25788 product page photo Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 01.10.24, 13:10 16.01.25, 22:18
25786 Demo install error Waiting on customer morgan media SL 30.09.24, 12:23 04.10.24, 21:44
25784 The PSD files does not contain the canvas for the theme... Waiting on customer Catalina Villa 27.09.24, 19:58 29.09.24, 22:19
25783 translation comments Waiting on customer Lukasz Pawlina 26.09.24, 08:55 26.09.24, 20:42
25782 Taxes are not showing during checkout Waiting on customer Catina Charter 26.09.24, 00:15 09.10.24, 20:46
25776 Bug on cart Waiting on customer Admin Bootique 25.09.24, 14:36 17.10.24, 23:03
25775 left coloumn on mobile Waiting on customer bart46 25.09.24, 10:34 25.09.24, 23:00
25774 Theme activation not possible Waiting on customer Patrick Inen 24.09.24, 20:39 26.09.24, 20:41
25765 Product miniature like demo Waiting on customer borja vinagre 19.09.24, 19:11 03.10.24, 20:07
25764 Update error and categories dont expand Waiting on customer borja vinagre 19.09.24, 18:49 04.10.24, 17:54
25763 Pb with product Module on home page Waiting on customer Pascal REGNIER 19.09.24, 17:41 19.09.24, 21:29
25762 Manufacturers Logo Waiting on customer bart46 19.09.24, 15:51 23.09.24, 20:36
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