ID Summary Status:  desc Opened by Opened Last Edited
 24064   blog url bug  Closed Alice Thevin 15.12.22, 11:42 15.12.22, 17:19
 24059   404 error on homepage  Closed Alice Thevin 14.12.22, 19:17 15.12.22, 17:00
 24054   blog page change of module  Closed Alice Thevin 13.12.22, 17:41 14.12.22, 22:20
 24047   hooks and homepage  Closed Alice Thevin 10.12.22, 16:13 11.12.22, 21:13
 24024   HTTP ERROR 500  Closed Alice Thevin 03.12.22, 09:08 05.12.22, 18:04
 23999   deactivate login / favorites / account  Closed Alice Thevin 25.11.22, 15:53 26.11.22, 12:30
 23958   hide h1 title on brand pages  Closed Alice Thevin 19.11.22, 11:35 20.11.22, 20:37
 23956   AMP is creating ton of 404 pages  Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 18:56 18.11.22, 17:37
 23955   Sitemap missing  Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 18:39 23.11.22, 09:07
 23954   edit each category page with creative elements  Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 17:53 20.11.22, 20:37
 23953   hook creative elements on blog to publish beautiful pos ... Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 17:48 23.11.22, 09:07
 23952   weebsite structure such as /shop/...   Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 17:39 18.11.22, 17:54
 23951   website width - responsive problem  Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 17:33 23.11.22, 09:07
 23950   Bread crums removal / change style  Closed Alice Thevin 17.11.22, 17:29 19.11.22, 20:06
 22764   Size page too large - can't modify width  Closed Alice Thevin 11.12.21, 16:57 13.12.21, 15:12
 22753   Google Maps Widget - No interaction possible  Closed Alice Thevin 09.12.21, 16:01 11.12.21, 19:10
 22748   Configure AMP with Creative elements  Closed Alice Thevin 08.12.21, 20:39 11.12.21, 19:14
 22700   Creative elements - results not showing front-end  Closed Alice Thevin 30.11.21, 20:37 07.12.21, 23:54
 22658   displayHomeBuilder not working  Closed Alice Thevin 24.11.21, 19:06 30.11.21, 20:21
 22686   Google Maps Widget - Responsive problem on Mobile  Closed Alice Thevin 29.11.21, 11:42 30.11.21, 20:21
Showing tickets 1 - 20 of 20
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