- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 29.11.21, 12:00
- Opened by: Alexandre Lacoche
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #22687 - No product image (always "no image available")
Not all my product pages have large images.
I have thumbnails but no main images, I always have the “Image unavailable” image.
When I click on thumbnails nothing happens either…
I have regenerated the images but without success…
How can I fix this image problem?
Thank you for your help!
Hi, Alexandre.
Could you please give me a link to a page where I can see the issue?
Please fill out all necessary fields in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/index.php?do=myprofile to access to your Back-office and FTP Server
Hi Fred,
I have updated my informations ! (tell me if you don’t have enough rights!)
I didn’t see you answer before now :(
But what answer? I just need to make a fix.
You didn’t provide credentials to login to your FTP to be able to edit theme files
Oh sorry, I thought you just wanted to see the setup.
I’ve updated the information
The issue has been fixed. Please test to confirm the change
Updated file is /www/themes/alysum/templates/catalog/_partials/product-cover-thumbnails.tpl
Ok thanks :)
I’m not sur but I think there are others issues with images.
The click on thumbnail does nothing and we can’t see thumbnail “in big”
There are some error in the console:
and there is an error concerning the quantities (but this is another subject).
The issue has been fixed. Please test to confirm the change