- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 06.02.23, 15:49
- Opened by: Eric Notarianni
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #24243 - search order
hello fred
when the customer uses the search bar , the products are not ordered by quantities desc . we have this in the normal way when you go to a category and it will be good that we have the same order in the search bar
an order=product.quantity.desc
thanks to see that problem please
Hi Eric
I see the same order in dropdown search and on search page https://take.ms/SrhT7
hello actually i have this in pagination
view_headline Pagination
Produits par page
Nombre de produits par page. Valeur par défaut : 10
Tri par défaut
Tri par défaut pour la liste des produits
Quantité du produit
Ordre par défaut
Ordre de tri par défaut pour la liste des produits.
the products are listed in order by quantities descending but when you search products by search bar the products are not listed by quantities descending, we want that the products listed by the search bar are like the pagination sorted by quantities descending like when you search by the categories menu
I just checked out Classic theme and it works in the same way