• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 05.04.23, 15:36
  • Opened by: Pascal REGNIER
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #24510 - Pb error 500 after multilangue menu

Hello Fred,

I added the menus in ES and GB which was not OK with the FR.
I created the 2 menus in RS and GB by copying the sections.
At one point, while saving the menu, I got error 500 in the backoffice.
I went to debug, I have access to the backoffice but I don’t know where the problem is!
PS the Preprod went into production so www.ewall.store! THANKS


Pascal REGNIER 05 Apr 2023, 16:04

Well I don’t know why but it’s Google Analytics that just created this pb when I recorded the ES menu!!!
By disabling google it works again but there I don’t understand the relationship…

Pascal REGNIER 05 Apr 2023, 16:10

Apparently it is in the menu part
I believed in a pb of relative path, I modified with the complete URL, on the first menu with the recording OK on the second link Error 500

Pascal REGNIER 05 Apr 2023, 16:14

When I put the complete url for the EG2x and I save, at the bottom there is error 500 I leave the menu page and I come back again and the registration has been validated and the category works again!

Pascal REGNIER 05 Apr 2023, 16:33

It’s the management of the menu in the 3 languages that broke everything!
There I restored the FR
On the other hand ES and GB are in error!

Fred 05 Apr 2023, 16:43

Hi, Pascal.
Please update credentials in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your Back-office and FTP Server

Il y a une erreur.
Ce compte employé n'existe pas, ou le mot de passe est erroné.
Pascal REGNIER 05 Apr 2023, 16:59

Sorry test OK and updated !
for backoffice access ..

Fred 05 Apr 2023, 18:30

I’m not sure that’s our problem.
I see the error messages and there is no any mention of some module.
The error is in the localisation of the shop → https://take.ms/odTOy

I would try to remove Spanish language and try to install it from scratch, that is a potential solution.