• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 22.05.23, 13:55
  • Opened by: Cesare Cinelli
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #24692 - alcune domande

I have some configuration questions:
1) why does the “Brands” block in home, if set to carousel instead of grid, show brands vertically instead of horizontally?
2) How do I insert text in the mobile footer? Should I enter company data?
3) How do you change the credits in the mobile version? I followed the documentation but it doesn’t match.


Cesare Cinelli 22 May 2023, 15:36

Another question: how do I change the text of the popup "
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Cesare Cinelli 22 May 2023, 17:46

I also can’t figure out how to translate the attached items


Cesare Cinelli 23 May 2023, 06:09

Ok, I’ll recap the problems (some I managed to solve by myself):
1) why does the “Brands” block in home, if set to carousel instead of grid, show brands vertically instead of horizontally?
2) How do you change the credits in the mobile version? I followed the documentation but it doesn’t match.
3) On the product page, “connection lost” appears to me, only the cover image of the product appears and not the other uploaded images. Can you explain me why?
Thank you

Cesare Cinelli 23 May 2023, 06:30

I also point out that when I try to edit the product page in Theme Settings → Product Page I get the following error “Connection lost. Saving will be disabled until you reconnect” (see attachment).
And the site has the following error until I manually clear the cache
The site could not be reached dev5.base315.net has taken too long to respond.
Try to:
Check the connection
Check your proxy and firewall
Run the Windows Network Diagnostics tool
” The max execution time is set to 300.
Can you help me fix the error?


Fred 23 May 2023, 19:04

Hi, Cesare.
Your website is not available for me https://take.ms/WYZZR Can you please check out the link?

Cesare Cinelli 26 May 2023, 17:19

I don’t know what to say, I see the site online, I ask you to try again.
Besides, you were already connected to my site.
I also need another info: how do I translate parts of the menu created with Creative Element (see the attachment)?
Thank you


Cesare Cinelli 26 May 2023, 17:34

Ho anche problemi con la revolution slider. Da quando ho settato il multilingua, se traduco una lingua sparisce l’altra.

Fred 27 May 2023, 10:41

1. If you need multilanguage dropdown menu do the following:
- go to creative Elements and create basic dropdown template for example in English
- duplicate it and translate duplicated copy
- go to menu items settings and select different dropdown templates for each language accordingly
2. As for the Revolution slider, could you please record a video for me how to reproduce the issue?