- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 20.09.23, 09:51
- Opened by: Pianeta Affari
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #24933 - Full page mobile menu
Hello there, I’d like to understand if there’s any way to set up my mobile menu as the one in the old style demo. Currently, it only opens below the header showing all the categories while I’d like it to open from the left side on full page. I attach some images to make it more clear.
Hi, Pianeta Affari.
There is no such option, but that’s a good idea to implement. I’ll add it to our TODO, but can’t promise when it will be ready, because we currently have a problem with free time
Sorry but I can see this option already implemented in the old style demo: https://alysum.promokit.eu/oldstyle/en/. There’s no option to achieve the same result on my current style?
It’s not opened there from the left side, as you asked
Probably I explained that in the wrong way, my bad. Can I just please get the same menu for the mobile version of my website? I want it exactly like to old style version
I have adjusted it a bit, please try this CSS