• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 26.10.23, 08:41
  • Opened by: Sabeer Mirza
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25010 - Site slowed down because of Alysum

I recently purchased your theme and since then, my site’s been drastically slowed down.
No matter where or which internet I use, sometimes the front end doesnt load, ie my main website, but yet my back office remains accessible.
Also when I ran the lighthouse report for my stores, it shows that it takes 13 seconds to load my website.
Please help


Fred 26 Oct 2023, 09:58

Hi, Sabeer Mirza.
The theme can’t slow down your site because it just display information, and doesn’t make any requests to database. But modules can. So I recommend you to review the list of enabled modules and disable/uninistal all that you are not going to use.
Then please check out how to configure Prestashop performance https://alysum.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/#performance

Sabeer Mirza 26 Oct 2023, 17:56

Sure, will look into it.
Another query i have is, i see promokit offers slider evolution free with the module.
How do I activate my sliderevoliuton? it shows add a product key.

Fred 26 Oct 2023, 17:59

You can use it without limitation as is. The key is required to get access to Revolution slider library

Sabeer Mirza 27 Oct 2023, 09:01

Thanks Fred.
I’ve recently come up with this problem in my website where this widget named “Bread Crumb” in Creative Elements.
https://prnt.sc/0ZK3uowxswtW I dont know from where this is being pulled I’ve tried to remove it from creative Elements but I cannot find it.

Fred 28 Oct 2023, 10:55

it’s a part of template. You can hide it using css

.breadcrumb {display:none !important}