- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 26.10.23, 08:41
- Opened by: Sabeer Mirza
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #25010 - Site slowed down because of Alysum
I recently purchased your theme and since then, my site’s been drastically slowed down.
No matter where or which internet I use, sometimes the front end doesnt load, ie my main website, but yet my back office remains accessible.
Also when I ran the lighthouse report for my stores, it shows that it takes 13 seconds to load my website.
Please help
Hi, Sabeer Mirza.
The theme can’t slow down your site because it just display information, and doesn’t make any requests to database. But modules can. So I recommend you to review the list of enabled modules and disable/uninistal all that you are not going to use.
Then please check out how to configure Prestashop performance https://alysum.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/#performance
Sure, will look into it.
Another query i have is, i see promokit offers slider evolution free with the module.
How do I activate my sliderevoliuton? it shows add a product key.
You can use it without limitation as is. The key is required to get access to Revolution slider library
Thanks Fred.
I’ve recently come up with this problem in my website where this widget named “Bread Crumb” in Creative Elements.
https://prnt.sc/0ZK3uowxswtW I dont know from where this is being pulled I’ve tried to remove it from creative Elements but I cannot find it.
it’s a part of template. You can hide it using css