• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 28.11.23, 09:53
  • Opened by: Sabeer Mirza
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25084 - Hooks not working

All this while when I was creating pages through Creative Elements → Theme Builder - > Add a new page and creative elements builder ,
I was able to create Themes using Theme Builder.
Infact I am able to use that feature in all other stores (previosuly made).
Now when i am creating new subdomains and using the same feature it shows content hook not found.


Fred 28 Nov 2023, 10:15

Hi, Sabeer Mirza.
What theme version you have? Please try the latest one 8.3

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:15

8.3 of prestashop?

Fred 28 Nov 2023, 10:16

Alysum theme

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:18

8.3 of prestashop?

Fred 28 Nov 2023, 10:21

Please provide access to your Back-office and FTP Server

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:25


Fred 28 Nov 2023, 10:25

and back office please

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:29

included above, ie, from console options.
also the changes have to be done in zers store

Fred 28 Nov 2023, 10:42

Where I can see the issue? Because everything works fine for me https://take.ms/zLfkK

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:42

included above, ie, from console options.
also the changes have to be done in zers store

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 10:47

It's in the Home Page

Sabeer Mirza 28 Nov 2023, 11:12

Any update?

Fred 28 Nov 2023, 17:51

As I can see you have two websites, but according to themeforest rules we can provide support for one domain per license

Sabeer Mirza 29 Nov 2023, 09:47

Yeah you've been providing support to me for billybuddha.com console. So please continue giving support for the same domain

Fred 29 Nov 2023, 11:40

Ok, I see.
So, as I can see you have CE Pro version. Looks like there is no full compatibility of that module with the theme. So just use Theme Settings to assign template for home page

Sabeer Mirza 29 Nov 2023, 12:20

But it was working fine previously right?

Fred 29 Nov 2023, 12:32

We didn't test out Pro version because it's paid

Sabeer Mirza 29 Nov 2023, 14:31

Alright, another issue im facing is that I am not able to view Promokit Size guide on any of my product pages. Can you help me with it? Please check Spring store.

Fred 30 Nov 2023, 14:28

Just add shortcode widget like this https://take.ms/ESYys

Sabeer Mirza 01 Dec 2023, 11:07

Coming back to the inital Problem.
I have a template which I created when the home page builder with creative elements was working
In spring store → Go to Creative Elements → Theme Builder → And you can see that the page → Spring Home Page https://prnt.sc/-ho0F3sk9E5L

I need to retrieve this page as this template because I designed this page to use it as a template for my other stores.
Now I am not able to enter the home page editor as it shows → https://prnt.sc/dnulxQXel6RG

Kindly Please help me retrieve the Home Page as a template atleast.

Fred 01 Dec 2023, 19:49

1. Navigate to Theme Settings → Home Page and select DisplayHomeBuilder option → https://take.ms/XpGRG

2. Navigate to Creative Elements → Content Anywhere, create a template and assign it to DisplayHomeBuilder hook → https://take.ms/89LL2

Sabeer Mirza 02 Dec 2023, 12:57

There was some issue with overrides settings of prestashop. Will you help me in installation if I delete that and try to upload the theme again in fresh installation.

Fred 02 Dec 2023, 17:25

There are no any specific actions to install the theme. Just follow installation tutorial in the documentation https://alysum.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/