• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 08.12.23, 19:25
  • Opened by: Cedric Casoni
  • Closed by: Fred
  • Closed on: 05.03.24, 10:01
  • Reason: Closed
  • Comment: Glad to help!


Hello, I do not have (or I cannot find it) the “BUILD MENU” button to configure PROMOKIT MENU, although in the video below this button exists. Thanks for your help.




Cedric Casoni 08 Dec 2023, 19:26


Fred 08 Dec 2023, 20:12

Hi, Cedric Casoni.
Please check out the video from the documentation https://alysum.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/#idocs_menu

Cedric Casoni 11 Dec 2023, 10:52

Hi Fred, thank you for your answer but i would like do a better than this demo….

Fred 11 Dec 2023, 11:00

You can do anything on Creative Elements and then just assign that template to menu item

Cedric Casoni 11 Dec 2023, 11:09

really ? I managed to do everything but for this, I really don't understand. For make a menu with just links to the subcategories, but not for something more complex. Do you have an example of a menu made with creative elements? And the dream would be to make a “slide-bar menu”

Fred 11 Dec 2023, 13:06

If you want to have subcategories as dropdown menu, just enable this option https://take.ms/VQUCX

Cedric Casoni 11 Dec 2023, 13:55

Thank you but it's not enough for my menu. I will try to buy a module who works on your template.


Fred 11 Dec 2023, 15:59

But what do you want to build in that submenu?

Cedric Casoni 11 Dec 2023, 16:44
Fred 11 Dec 2023, 16:49

That's completely different menu. There is no such option in our module

Cedric Casoni 11 Dec 2023, 16:57

Yes i know, and if you know a module or widget for do the same i'm OK for buy it.

If not with your module it's possible to do like the file attached ?


Fred 11 Dec 2023, 20:01

I don't know any really good menu module for prestashop.
It requires a lot of customisation to make our module work in this way

Cedric Casoni 12 Dec 2023, 10:09

Thank you for your responsiveness

Fred 12 Dec 2023, 10:18

You are welcome!

Cedric Casoni 12 Dec 2023, 10:29


You would have to be able to use a mobile menu on a computer. I search this, to customize

Fred 12 Dec 2023, 10:56

Mobile menu, as the rest of mobile interface is built with Google AMP library which is not compatible with normal HTML

Cedric Casoni 18 Dec 2023, 13:58


I am contacting you regarding a technical issue I am experiencing with the Alysum theme on my PrestaShop site. I have noticed display issues with the "Advanced Pack" module, which is not displaying correctly on the product page. However, when I duplicate the widget that calls this module, the display works correctly, but this creates a conflict when adding products to the cart.

Here are the technical details:

JavaScript errors are observed in the console, including references to undefined jQuery and other related errors.
Duplicating the widget seems to temporarily solve the display issue, but it is not a viable solution.
I have already tried disabling other plugins to isolate the problem, without success.

Could you please help me identify and resolve this issue? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Fred 18 Dec 2023, 20:28

Hi Cédric.
In most cases with third party modules the problem is coming from hooks. I mean the module might not be hooked into its own hooks. To fix that, you can just reset the module, or manually check the state of hooks in the Positions page in your back office

Cedric Casoni 19 Dec 2023, 09:51

Hello Fred,

I am reaching out again regarding the display issue with the "Advanced Pack" module on my PrestaShop site using the Alysum theme. Despite our efforts to resolve the issue, we have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause.

Here's what we have observed:
- The "Advanced Pack" module briefly appears (for about 0.2 seconds) on the product page before disappearing.
- When the page is reloaded, the same behavior occurs.
- We have noticed JavaScript errors in the console, but they do not seem to be directly related to the display issue of the module.
- The problem persists even after trying different configurations and disabling other widgets.

The "Advanced Pack" module is used to create packs from existing products on PrestaShop and offer a color variation. When purchasing a pack, each individual product is deducted from the stock.

We have also verified the hooks associated with the "Advanced Pack" module, and they are correctly attached.

You can observe the behavior on this product page: [https://www.alarmemaison.com/accueil/41-109-nouveau-pack-demo.html#23_11-couleur-noir|24_11-couleur-noir|25_11-couleur-noir|26_11-couleur-noir|27_11-couleur-noir](https://www.alarmemaison.com/accueil/41-109-nouveau-pack-demo.html#23_11-couleur-noir|24_11-couleur-noir|25_11-couleur-noir|26_11-couleur-noir|27_11-couleur-noir)

Any assistance in identifying and resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Fred 19 Dec 2023, 11:30

I have an idea. As I can see you have added Advanced Pack to the product page through Module widget. But normally that module should appear there through one of the product page hooks. I don't known which hook it used, need to figure that out first

Cedric Casoni 19 Dec 2023, 13:34

I would like to provide additional information regarding the compatibility issues between the Advanced Pack module and the Alysum theme on my PrestaShop site.

In addition to the points previously mentioned, I have also observed the following:

Hooks Configuration on Default PrestaShop Theme vs. Alysum Theme:
When using the default PrestaShop theme, there are more hooks selected for the Advanced Pack module compared to the Alysum theme.
Interestingly, on the default theme, the hooks that appear in duplicate are also selected, which is not the case with Alysum.
This difference in hooks configuration between the two themes might be contributing to the module's display and functionality issues under the Alysum theme. It seems that the Alysum theme either does not support all the necessary hooks or handles them differently.

Could you please advise on how to align the hooks configuration in Alysum with that of the default theme to ensure proper functionality of the Advanced Pack module? Any insights or specific instructions on this matter would be highly beneficial.

Thank you for your continued support and assistance in resolving these issues.

Fred 19 Dec 2023, 14:24

Doesn't matter what theme you have enabled. The list of hooks is not coming from a theme, it comes from prestashop core. I see a lot of available hooks for Advanced Pack module https://take.ms/rK2YC maybe that's because it behaves like a widget.
I would ask you to contact module support and ask what hook is necessary for product page to display module there.

Fred 19 Dec 2023, 14:29

I think that's "displayProductAdditionalInfo" hook which is available in this widget https://take.ms/dRF9G, make sure have added it to the page

Cedric Casoni 19 Dec 2023, 14:31

With this hooks (attached)…. But when i use the same, the module does not work.



Cedric Casoni 19 Dec 2023, 14:45

wouaouuuuuu, YOU are the BEST of the BEST.
I spent one week my friend, one week to become crazy and you in 5 messages you found the solution.

Can you tell how i can ajust this widget ? Because i don't want choose size and have another add cart buttom.


Fred 19 Dec 2023, 15:34

That's great!
If you want to change block markup, you need this file


Or use CSS to adjust the view

Cedric Casoni 19 Dec 2023, 16:20

i have encountered an issue with the "product buy block" widget from the pkelements module. My goal is to keep only the color variant selection part for each product in the pack, but I want to remove the "Add to Cart" button and other unnecessary elements (like the reassurance block, price, etc.) that are currently in the pkproductbuy.tpl file.

I have another "Add to Cart" button on my product page that I want to keep, and I don't want the button from the pkproductbuy widget to conflict with it. Can you advise on the best way to customize this widget to meet my specific needs? Is it possible to configure the widget to display only the variant selection options without the other elements?

Fred 20 Dec 2023, 16:34

if you have a template file for your button, just add that hook there

{hook h='displayProductAdditionalInfo' product=$product}

Or you can hide element using custom CSS

Cedric Casoni 21 Dec 2023, 10:08

We've been facing some challenges with the "Product Buy Block" widget from the pkelements module on our PrestaShop site using the Alysum theme. We appreciate the support you've provided thus far and we were wondering if you could assist us further with a couple of issues we're unable to resolve.

Firstly, there is an issue with the price display on product pack pages created with the Advanced Pack module – the price seems to disappear and we can't figure out why. This is happening even before any CSS customizations are applied.

Secondly, we're using the "Product Buy Block" widget to display products that are part of a pack. However, the widget also shows additional elements like the "Add to Cart" button, reassurance block, price details, etc. We would like to display only the products in the pack without these additional elements.

Would you be willing to take a look at these issues if we provide you with back office and FTP access? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated, as we aim to streamline the product page display to enhance the user experience.

Please let us know if you're available to help and we will send over the access details promptly.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Fred 21 Dec 2023, 10:56

1. Please show me on a screenshot where the price should appear
2. Just open this file /modules/pkelements/views/templates/pkproductbuy.tpl and remove/hide everything you don't want to display

Cedric Casoni 21 Dec 2023, 11:31

1. look at the attached file. On the left a normal product page, on the right, a product page with the ADVANCED PACK module
2. I have attached the current state of the pkproductbuy.tpl file and a screenshot of how the product page currently looks. It seems that the product_variants block is not functioning as expected.

Could you please take a look and guide me on how to correct this? Your expertise has been invaluable, and your help would be greatly appreciated in resolving these display issues.

I am willing to provide back office and FTP access if necessary for a more in-depth analysis.

<div class="product-information">

<div class="product-actions js-product-actions">
  {block name='product_buy'}
    <form action="{$urls.pages.cart}" method="post" id="add-to-cart-or-refresh">
      <input type="hidden" name="token" value="{$static_token}">
      <input type="hidden" name="id_product" value="{$product.id}" class="product_page_product_id">
      <input type="hidden" name="id_customization" value="{$product.id_customization}" class="product_customization_id">
      {block name='product_variants'}
        {include file='catalog/_partials/product-variants.tpl'}
      {block name='product_pack'}
        {if $packItems}
          <section class="product-pack">
            <h3 class="h4">{l s='This pack contains' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h3>
            {foreach from=$packItems item="product_pack"}
              {block name='product_miniature'}
                {include file='catalog/_partials/miniatures/pack-product.tpl' product=$product_pack}
      {block name='product_refresh'}
        <input class="product-refresh ps-hidden-by-js hidden" name="refresh" type="submit" value="{l s='Refresh' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}">


Fred 22 Dec 2023, 10:26

1. Ok I see. Please give me both links to those products

Fred 28 Dec 2023, 21:30

Hi, Cedric.
Sorry for the delay.
But I see the price on both pages

Cedric Casoni 31 Dec 2023, 11:16

Hi Fred, yes now you can see the price but not the pack.
If you think it's too complicate to resolve i will try to buy another packs module for my website.

By the way i found a very good module for nice modern menu. If you are interessted let me know.

Fred 02 Jan 2024, 09:39

Please fill out all necessary fields in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your FTP Server to let me check product-variants.tpl file, or try to copy it from Classic theme

Fred 02 Jan 2024, 09:40

as for the menu, thanks, but we almost finished to develop our own menu widget for Elementor

Cedric Casoni 02 Jan 2024, 11:27

HI Fred, you will find the informations here : https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile

Thank you for all.

Cedric Casoni 04 Jan 2024, 18:04

Hi Fred, yes now you can see the price but not the pack.
If you think it's too complicate to resolve i will try to buy another packs module for my website.

By the way i found a very good module for nice modern menu. If you are interessted let me know.

Cedric Casoni 05 Jan 2024, 13:18


I am contacting you regarding a technical issue I am experiencing with the Alysum theme on my PrestaShop site. I have noticed display issues with the "Advanced Pack" module, which is not displaying correctly on the product page. However, when I duplicate the widget that calls this module, the display works correctly, but this creates a conflict when adding products to the cart.

Here are the technical details:

JavaScript errors are observed in the console, including references to undefined jQuery and other related errors.
Duplicating the widget seems to temporarily solve the display issue, but it is not a viable solution.
I have already tried disabling other plugins to isolate the problem, without success.

Could you please help me identify and resolve this issue? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Cedric Casoni 05 Jan 2024, 13:23

Hello Fred, have you had time to look at my problem with the advanced pack menu (you have my FTP access)? Otherwise I'm looking for another module pack developer.
I need to fix the problem now
PS: I don't know why the above message came back

Thank you for all

Fred 05 Jan 2024, 13:50

We have tried a couple of time, but haven't found a reason yet

Cedric Casoni 08 Jan 2024, 10:48

Hi Fred, yes this module makes me crazy…..
I noticed that if on the product page I put the widget Module (with displayProductAdditionalInfo) and "Product buy Block", the pack is displayed correctly and I can put it in the cart. The problem is that it's not the same "add to cart" button, it's not same price typology too. It probably comes from the widget "Product buy block".

Fred 09 Jan 2024, 10:04

as I can see that "Add to cart" button is coming with that module. You can hide it with CSS if you want

Cedric Casoni 29 Feb 2024, 23:57

It’s ok for me.

Fred 29 Feb 2024, 23:57

You are welcome!

Cedric Casoni 05 Mar 2024, 10:00

Of course it's ok for me ;-) you can close this discuss.
