- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 26.02.24, 11:06
- Opened by: Coron Clément
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #25338 - Images on products page
when clicking on the small images, the large ones do not appear. Could you help me, is it a javascript problem?
thanking you in advance
Hi, Coron.
As I can see there is a syntax error in advanced search module that might cause the problem with images → https://take.ms/skGYP
Thank you for your reply. I disabled these modules, but I have no improvement at the moment.
You have so much customisations. There are disabled theme's scripts. That's really hard to find what's wrong.
Do you have a contact with developer who customised the theme for you?
No developer, I'm the one who customized the site, but I'm not professional and I'm stuck on certain bugs. Do you know anyone who could do the procedure for me for a fee?
I just tried to add alysum.js file from parent theme into the child one. Then I have deleted this config file
/public_html/config/themes/alysumchild/shop.json to regenerate it, but something wrong with permissions I suppose because it's not auto-generated as it should. Now need to force config regeneration. You can try to switch to Alysum theme and back to child to force it
I tried some things on /public_html/config/themes/alysumchild/shop.json but now i lost all my customisation. And I can't restore my previous configuration with Alysum Child. I don't know what to do at the moment.
You don't lost your customisation, don't worry.
do you have a backup to restore that file?
yes, I am waiting for a backup from the host. I just need to restore the shop.json file? Or does the database need to be restored too?
Only that file, nothing more.
The problem here that it was not regenerated automatically after deletion. I assume there is some permissions issue.
I restored the file, but unfortunately I cannot select AlysumChild in the backoffice. I have a 500 error (see attachment). And the alysumchild/shop.json file is automatically deleted.
I have removed alysum.js script from child config file. Please try once more
But do you have access to my backoffice?
Yes, it works for me
Do you enable and disable modules please ?
I didn't touch anything there
because I have things that appeared as on the product sheets (reassurance block, see attachment). Modules have disappeared in the connected customer area.
Just disable Reassurance module
ok, in fact, many modules have been activated, many others have lost their attachment points. I have to verify all functionalities. For my image issue on product page, do you an idea ?
Maybe then try to restore full backup including database