• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 29.02.24, 05:54
  • Opened by: Miguel Annefalk
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25348 - How to understand the logic of presets and custom design

This seems to be a very well developed theme and i’m looking forward to begin using its full potential. But first i need to understand how to proceed with my custom designs.
I have worked with Elementor(Wordpress) before, so i have quite deep understanding of how the base system works. But still i have a few questions.

All cache is of and i always clear browser cache to make sure changes are successful or not.

I have chosen the "Smart" preset. It looks nice, but i need to do a lot of custom work here to meet my needs:

1. I need to make the sidebar narrower. How can I do that?
2. I need to edit the “product miniature” (add a buy button, etc.). Is it possible to edit the preset thumbnail without having to first create a custom-made miniature?

Various problems I've encountered when trying to create my own product miniature.

1. I go to Creative Elements > Theme Builder > Miniatures to create a new miniature and select an appropriate miniature block.
2. Now, when I visit a product category, the images are very small (59x59px) and I can’t get the images to be larger. It’s like the changes i make in the Creative Element Editor is not responding. Am I doing something wrong here? It doesn’t matter which template for thumbnails I choose, all templates show very small images in the product category.

Hope you understand my questions :)




Miguel Annefalk 29 Feb 2024, 06:38

I found another thread about one of my problem. When added .grid-container {display: inline-block;} to custom CSS it looks fine, i think.

Why do we need to add custom CSS to make the layout work properly?

Fred 29 Feb 2024, 09:44

Hi, Miguel.
The logic to work with Elementor and the theme is pretty simple.
- create/modify a template in Elementor
- assign it to a block/page in Theme Settings
Regarding your questions:
- to make sidebar narrower, go to Elemeotor editor and change the width there
- yes, we provide a sample of Product Miniature template. Create a copy of it and modify as you need.
- we recommend to use Theme Settings (instead of Theme Builder) to assign templates, it works better
- as I can see your images on category page looks fine https://take.ms/NbQdK no need to add custom CSS