• Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
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Ticket #25355 - Translation + sort order issues


I am working on a website for a client since months (on and off because the client is very late).
I have two big issues remaining :

1- I can’t get translations to work and I don’t know why… I can’t possibly override every template, it’s an awful way to work around the problem…
For instance, on the “Account” page (please log in first to add your IP to maintenance mode) : https://kidea.enjin.fr/connexion?back=my-account, I translated “New customers” (on alysum theme, I also use a child theme “alysum child” but the string is in the parent’s theme). See screenshot, the string is translated, but it doesn’t show on the page. I have the issue for other strings that I can’t translate, like “There are no products here”, “Per Page”, “Sort by”, the “password” placeholder…

2- My client uses the prestashop position for products (she drags and drops products to customize the order of products inside categories). But it’s not reflected at all on my category pages. I also would like to not have the “sort by” field so that the custom order is always reflected there…

Anyway I am really stuck on this, I really need your help.

3- I also add a question : I really love the creative builder for pages and all, but there’s no builder for blog posts possible ?

Thank you a lot in advance for the much appreciated help.


Fred 01 Mar 2024, 11:00

Hi, Cédric
Yes, we know about child theme translation issue. That’s a bug in Prestashop https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/30716

Cédric Limousin 01 Mar 2024, 13:54

Hello Fred,

I understand about translation, the delights of Prestashop…
Could you have a look at the other points mentioned ?

Best regards

Fred 01 Mar 2024, 14:16

2. You can hide the sort order selector using CSS

.sort-by-row {display:none}

As for the order of products. Could you please switch to native category page layout to see how it works? I need that to understand where the issue is coming from. Is that an Elementor or something else.
3. Yes, there is no such option yet. We will consider to add it

Cédric Limousin 01 Mar 2024, 14:24

I just tested and I have the same issue. Actually I think the problem comes from my filters module, when I disable it, there's no more problems.
I understand for the blog, we'll try using the pro version of the builder to make it work on our end.

Fred 01 Mar 2024, 16:27

Yes, that could be the filter module as well