- Priority: 0
- Status: Closed
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 13.03.24, 10:01
- Opened by: Pascal Mondet
- Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
- Closed on:
- Reason: Not a bug
Ticket #25403 - Mobile Version AMP Disabled, doesnot work
We’d like to stop using AMP for Mobile.
For 1 of our shops, we’ve disabled, in setting, AMP and put No at “force loading AMP on samrtphones” & “Force Loading AMP on tablets”.
Unfortunately, the Menu doesnot work, trying to click ( grey square with 3 lines) on it, nothing happen.
Can you please help us ?
Hi, Pascal.
Please update credentials in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your Back-office and FTP Server to let me check out what's wrong
Hi Fred,
You've got the access to the BO. Before updating FTP, can you please see what's happen for the shop ^Big Bag Market Allemagne ?
Please take into account that AMP is enable because the shop is online. For testing please disable AMP and see why the menu onf the standard mobile version does not work.
The problem is that the Menu module is not hooked into displayHeader hook. Moreover I don't see the displayHeader hook in your back office at all.
Hi Fred,
I don't know, We didn't change anything.
I see DisplayheaderBuilder and DisplayMobileHeader
It works for PC version.
Can you please help us solving this
Another Hook exists ⇒ DiplayMenu where PromokitMenu is hooked
Try to copy the code from
and past it into Theme Settings → Customer JS field
That should add missed menu functionality
I see the file /modules/pk_menu/views/js/front.js
but i do not see the path where to past it theme/settings/customer … ?
That's in your back office → Theme Settings → Customer JS
Hi Fred,
We check and it is working on our offlineprod.
We'll try on production and come back to you if needed.