• Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
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  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25424 - Product reference disappeared

The product reference disappeared from product tab.

Also, how to add it under the product title in product page. I search in elementor but it has no such widget.


Fred 20 Mar 2024, 21:54

Hi, Vidmantas.
The issue has been fixed. Please test to confirm the change
Updated file is

Vidmantas Dapkus 22 Mar 2024, 11:05

Thank you, now it's shown up.

Fred 22 Mar 2024, 11:27

You are welcome!

Vidmantas Dapkus 24 Jul 2024, 19:59

after theme update, it disapeared once again. Not sure, if I upload the old product-details.tpl (the one you corrected) file it will not brake something else. I think it should be updated in your update file with next updates.

Fred 24 Jul 2024, 21:33

Don't you have a backup of that file?
If I remember correctly it's not added to our theme because you have some specific case

Vidmantas Dapkus 25 Jul 2024, 10:30

I think I do, but, maybe you can post the code how to get reference number, I will use it to place it under the product title using HTML widget.

Fred 25 Jul 2024, 22:28

If you have a backup of that file I could take the code there. Please check

Vidmantas Dapkus 24 Aug 2024, 14:08

Found the product reference part but I'm struggling to use it in Elementor's HTML widget as if I copy-paste it it shows the coding instead of reference number. Any idea how to use this con in Elementor?

{block name='product_reference'}

          {if isset($product.reference_to_display)}
            <div class="product-reference">
              <label class="label">{l s='Reference' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} </label>
Fred 26 Aug 2024, 19:07

you can't add Smarty code through the Elementor.
You can only add it to .tpl file of the theme

Vidmantas Dapkus 26 Aug 2024, 20:06

hmm, but this part of product page is completely constructed using Elementor widgets. Can you make a widget for product reference?

Fred 27 Aug 2024, 23:03

We need time for that, I can't promise instant solution here