• Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25519 - Module Installation from Addon Prestashop


I have installed several modules but they do not display on the theme.

For example, I’ve installed: “Avis Garantis” & “Banners and pop” They don’t display correctly on the news website. They have the right hooks in appearance / position.

Can you explain how to get them to display correctly on your theme?


Fred 29 Apr 2024, 17:23

Hi, Christophe.
What do you mean by: "They don’t display correctly"? Can you show me on a screenshot what's wrong?

Christophe GIPPET 29 Apr 2024, 17:39

Hi Fred,

I mean, there is nothing appears onsite, it's not displaying at all. Does your theme accept prestashop modules?

Fred 29 Apr 2024, 17:40

Of course it accepts. But every module is different that's why some issues could happen

Christophe GIPPET 29 Apr 2024, 17:45

Can you have a look please why theses modules don't appear please ?
- Société des Avis Garantis
- Banners and pop
- Cookies - GDPR Cookie law (bloc avant consentement)

Thank you in advance,

Fred 29 Apr 2024, 17:48

Please check out the screenshot https://take.ms/uEC8F your module is not hooked onto its own hook. Please hook it there, or just reset it

Christophe GIPPET 29 Apr 2024, 17:59

Can you show me how do you dou ? I try on Société des Avis Garantis but it doesnt work, I would like in footer and widget.
Best regards,

Fred 29 Apr 2024, 18:02

You can check for example this video https://youtu.be/bR80lDC3wxE?si=hjCFqFqlwI5Mi8YB&t=211

That's native Prestashop feature and doesn't matter what's theme you have installed the hook management is always the same