• Priority: 0
  • Status: Closed
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 15.05.24, 17:24
  • Opened by: Cesare Cinelli
  • Closed by: Anonymous Submitter
  • Closed on:
  • Reason: Not a bug

Ticket #25551 - Hide the product price when it = €0.00

Hi, could you help me solve this problem? I need to hide the product price when it = €0.00.
Can you help me do this please by telling me which file to edit and what code to insert?
Thank you very much


Cesare Cinelli 15 May 2024, 18:05

we managed to hide the price from the product page.
However, it still appears in product lists on category pages.
Can you help me?

Fred 16 May 2024, 21:22

Hi, Cesare.
Try following CSS

.price[content="0"] {display:none}