Ticket #25714 - The mobile version does not load correctly.
Hi, without knowing how to make changes to the web configuration, the mobile version does not load correctly. We do not know what the problem is. We do not want to use AMP, we just want the same website to appear on mobile and tablet as on desktop.
Can you check this problem?
Thank you very much
Hi, mga.
But what's wrong there? The text is not aligned to the center?
Hello, the problem is that neither the header with the menu nor some widgets for mobile resolutions are loaded.
You can't see the menu, the cart, the user account, the slider, the categories, the highlights, or the testimonials…
If you go to the desktop version you will see the difference. We want the same website to appear on mobile and tablet as on desktop. https://sabotigueta.cat/
A few days ago it worked fine. Now it can't work on mobile.
I attach screenshots with what you should see and what you see.
Strange issue. We never had it before.
Do you use some kind of extra cache? I'm asking because I changed header template to "alysum-header" but do not see any changes on front page.
Please try yourself to switch to another header template and check the issue on mobile
Hi, to avoid problems I have disabled the CacheMemcached. I have tried to change the options in the desktop menu option 2 and mobile option 1 and I see changes… All the header disappears in the 2 options. I have also noticed that in the promokit menu on the left there are only 3 options. I think there were more options before.
It seems to be a template error.
I attach screenshots.
Thank you very much
It seems your header template is broken. I have created a new one https://take.ms/iniCn and it works fine
Hi, but do I have to do something? I still see the same bad results on the mobile version. The menu, testimonials, and categories don't work…
Please try it from a mobile device.
Thank you very much
It seems the same issue with the home page layout. Try to create a new one for home page as well
Hi, I'm not sure how to do this. Can you create it for me?
Ok, done
It looks worse and worse. Can you compare the mobile version with the desktop version? They have to be the same.
Don't forget about cache. You have some specific configuration which require to clear the cache every time you changed templates
Sorry but it looks worse every time… I have deleted the cache, I have entered incognito… Now the desktop version also fails and the mobile version does not load anything.
But that's demo content. You have to add your own content there and configure it as you need
Ok, but the mobile version still doesn't load anything. Can you check this version?
Yes, I see. That looks very strange. We never had such issue before. I believe you have some specific configuration or some module is broken. It requires deeper investigation
Do you think that while you analyze further you can restore the database so that it looks at least as good on the desktop as it was before?
On the other hand, could you confirm if the Creative Elements module loads different configurations depending on the Breakpoint on tablet and Breakpoint on mobile options? And how could we make it load the same configuration and the same widgets on both tablet and mobile in all resolutions: PC, tablet and mobile?
To have the page as before, just enable previous template #5 in Creative Elements → Content Anywhere
Hi, we were able to restore the desktop version perfectly by activating the previous template #5. Any idea what is happening with the mobile version? The problem remains the same as before.
If it helps, I notice that in this line of the creativeelements module each section is loaded, the first is the header which is uid 2, when it is desktop it loads well, but when it is small resolutions the widgets are not loaded, as if some filter is eliminating it, but I still don't understand how that function works, any ideas?
We are not developers of CE module, and we never experienced such issue before. We need to investigate that. Let you know one we will have some results
OK, thanks a lot!
In case it helps, we are trying to investigate as well, we have done a print_r and it turns out that the variable $this→_widget_types of the modules\creativeelements\includes\managers\widgets.php class line 218 stores only some widgets when running on mobile or tablet resolutions
On all resolutions
Array ( [0] ⇒ common [1] ⇒ heading [2] ⇒ image [3] ⇒ text-editor [4] ⇒ video [5] ⇒ button [6] ⇒ divider [7] ⇒ spacer [8] ⇒ image-box [9] ⇒ google_maps [10] ⇒ icon [11] ⇒ icon-box [12] ⇒ image-gallery [13] ⇒ image-carousel [14] ⇒ star-rating [15] ⇒ icon-list [16] ⇒ counter [17] ⇒ progress [18] ⇒ testimonial [19] ⇒ tabs [20] ⇒ accordion [21] ⇒ toggle [22] ⇒ social-icons [23] ⇒ alert [24] ⇒ shortcode [25] ⇒ html [26] ⇒ menu-anchor [27] ⇒ product-grid [28] ⇒ product-carousel [29] ⇒ product-box [30] ⇒ ps-widget-LayerSlider [31] ⇒ call-to-action [32] ⇒ flip-box [33] ⇒ animated-headline [34] ⇒ image-hotspot [35] ⇒ contact-form [36] ⇒ email-subscription [37] ⇒ countdown [38] ⇒ testimonial-carousel [39] ⇒ facebook-page [40] ⇒ facebook-button [41] ⇒ trustedshops-reviews [42] ⇒ image-slider [43] ⇒ category-tree [44] ⇒ ps-widget-module [45] ⇒ theme-site-logo [46] ⇒ theme-site-title [47] ⇒ nav-menu [48] ⇒ shopping-cart [49] ⇒ ajax-search [50] ⇒ sign-in [51] ⇒ language-selector [52] ⇒ currency-selector
Only on desktop, they are not on mobile
[53] ⇒ pkinstagramsimple [54] ⇒ pkblog [55] ⇒ pkbrands [56] ⇒ pkcart [57] ⇒ pkcategories [58] ⇒ pkcategorydescription [59] ⇒ pkcategoryfilter [60] ⇒ pkcategoryimage [61] ⇒ pkcategoryproducts [62] ⇒ pkcategorysubcategories [63] ⇒ pkcategorytitle [64] ⇒ pkcompare [65] ⇒ pkcontactform [66] ⇒ pkcurrencies [67] ⇒ pkdailydeal [68] ⇒ pkfavorites [69] ⇒ pkimagecarousel [70] ⇒ pkinstagram [71] ⇒ pkinstagramscrapper [72] ⇒ pklanguages [73] ⇒ pklinks [74] ⇒ pklogo [75] ⇒ pkmenu [76] ⇒ pkminiaturebrand [77] ⇒ pkminiaturebuttons [78] ⇒ pkminiaturecountdown [79] ⇒ pkminiaturedescription [80] ⇒ pkminiatureimage [81] ⇒ pkminiaturelabels [82] ⇒ pkminiatureprice [83] ⇒ pkminiaturereviews [84] ⇒ pkminiaturetitle [85] ⇒ pkminiaturevariations [86] ⇒ pkmodules [87] ⇒ pkmyaccount [88] ⇒ pknewsletter [89] ⇒ pkproductaccessories [90] ⇒ pkproductbrand [91] ⇒ pkproductbuy [92] ⇒ pkproductcategory [93] ⇒ pkproductcrossselling [94] ⇒ pkproductdescription [95] ⇒ pkproductfooter [96] ⇒ pkproductimage [97] ⇒ pkproductprice [98] ⇒ pkproducttabs [99] ⇒ pkproducttitle [100] ⇒ pkproductviewed [101] ⇒ pkproducts [102] ⇒ pkrevslider [103] ⇒ pksearch [104] ⇒ pksignin [105] ⇒ pksuppliers [106] ⇒ pktestimonials [107] ⇒ pktitle [108] ⇒ pkwatchlist )
The pkelements module was only running the hook to register the widgets in desktop resolution, I have restarted it and everything seems to be working fine. Thank you very much!
Strange, there is no any specific code that blocks widget depending on a screen type. But that's great you have it resolved