- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 22.08.24, 21:21
- Opened by: Florian Durrer
Ticket #25727 - Compatibility Prestashop 8.1.7 ?
I’m trying to install the theme on a Prestashop 8.1.7 with PHP version 7.4, but I’m encountering an error: “the configuration file is missing.” Should I look for a solution to downgrade my Prestashop to 8.1.0?
Thank you for your response, have a good evening.
Hi, Florian.
Please make sure you have unzipped downloaded archive and installing the file alysum-v.9.0.0.zip
A response so quick, thank you! :) I'm restoring my database that crashed because of this, and I'll install it. I should have searched a bit better, sorry for the inconvenience. Have a good evening!
No worries. You are welcome