• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 28.08.24, 02:25
  • Opened by: Thomas Ullrich

Ticket #25734 - 'Sold out' not visible in AMP list view

Hi Fred,

hope u r fine.

I am are upgrading from 1.7.9. (current live version shop.musterheld.de) to Prestashop 8.1.5. (current development version prestashop.musterheld.de). I did not copy the shop, it’s a fresh installattion and I migrated the data. Therefore I encounter some issues which we had solved before.

1. Sold out label is not visible in AMP directory list. We had that before. We have many sold out items and we leave them online to give our cuomers the chance to backorder. However, it is annoying if they cannot see what’s available in the list view - and in AMP version they can’t. See attachments. I remember it is the product-miniature.tpl - but using the one of the old shop didn’t solve it.

2. Pls open our homepage https://prestashop.musterheld.de and see the first line. A token is shown in the first line. If I inspect this (right mouse button) - this is likely a token from litespeed cache - but why is it shown there and can you help me to get rid of this? See Screenshot attached.

3. Open https://prestashop.musterheld.de on a smartphone and see the AMP version of our store. Open the menu and click on ‘XSmall’ (Parent Blutsgeschwister). See the articles in list view - they are not properly shown, they are squeezed/compressed. The picture ist higher than it is shown here. See them in correct proportions in the desktop version https://prestashop.musterheld.de/de/223-xsmall. How can we show it in correct proportions in AMP Version as well?

4. Again AMP list view: I would like to reduce the font size of the article name and descriptions to reduce the space used. There is no option in the configuration to change this font. I guess I can do this with a simple CSS script, can you help me with that?

Thanks a lot




Fred 28 Aug 2024, 21:23

Hi, Thomas.
1. We currently actively working on completely new AMP module version which is compatible with upcoming Prestashop 9.0. I'll add this issue with sold out to our todo.
2. That's Litespeed module adds it there https://take.ms/7Spog

3. I believe your images are not configured properly. AMP set width and height for every images as defined in images settings. In the same time images must have the same dimension as defined in the settings
4. Try this

#productShownList .product-title {font-size: 14px}
Thomas Ullrich 29 Aug 2024, 16:28

1. Okay, but how long will this take? You've told mebefore the mistake is in /themes/alysum/templates/mobile/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product-miniature.tpl. Can I change the necessary code manually? There is an option in the menu to activate the out of stock label in category view but it seems not to be working. (see attached)
2. Ok - I have to contact the litespped team then or can I comment this line out somewhere?
3. Can I adjust the AMP picture measures somehwere or are the pictures same ratio as for desktop?
4. Thanks. Works fine.


Thomas Ullrich 30 Aug 2024, 01:43

One more thing. The AMP newsletter widget does not work. I mean it can be installed and it shows up (see mobile version of prestashop.musterheld.de)but it does not collect mail adresses at all.

Fred 30 Aug 2024, 21:36

1. it can take 2-4 weeks more.
2. I have no idea. That is not our module
3. The rule you have to follow is, the source images you upload to your products has to have dimensions defined in the images settings

Fred 30 Aug 2024, 21:36

As for the newsletter, we will fix that as well

Thomas Ullrich 03 Sep 2024, 10:38

ad 1. 2 weeks would be acceptable. 4 weeks is a problem. My current live installation used 73 gb of 80 gb VPS space available. Cannot import any more articles and deliveries are constantly coming in - at 75 gb the shop stops working, I had that before. Therefore I have to move to the new installation. Sorry to bother you with my problems, just want you to understand why I have some pressure on my side. Please submit new AMP Module as soon as you have it.

Fred 03 Sep 2024, 20:40

Ok, I can try to fix your current version. But I need to know which product is "sold out"

Thomas Ullrich 03 Sep 2024, 22:21

EG open first category in the menu 'Brandneu'. The second article - a golden bag - ist Sold out. Name 'White Stuff Mini Fern Leather Crossbody'.

You can easily see in detail product view, as the label is shown there.

Fred 04 Sep 2024, 23:20

The issue has been fixed. Please test to confirm the change

Thomas Ullrich 25 Sep 2024, 23:00

Hi Fred,

Three weeks ago you said the new AMP module will soon be ready. What's the current status?

Fred 25 Sep 2024, 23:32

I can show you what I currently have. Files marked with green icon are ready https://mega.nz/file/9FpyELLC#K4tVmLFvpGO3sfvr2RIyR5T1Ognet6fKfEZ7u8dywnw Those files are controllers for every page in prestashop which must be compatible with parent controllers

Thomas Ullrich 25 Sep 2024, 23:58

Looks like half of the work is doneā€¦

Fred 26 Sep 2024, 00:22

Yes, it is