- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 31.08.24, 14:53
- Opened by: Grupo Belle
Ticket #25737 - Class "pk-flex" is getting automatically added after saving template
I’m experiencing this issue with the theme widgets. After saving the page template, css class “pk-flex” is getting automatically added to thw widget’s “pk-ce-widget view_grid” element.
Changing layout and saving the template “fixes” the problem.
Except it isn’t really fixed. After reloading the editor tab, or visiting the front end, i can see that the class “pk-flex” is automatically added braking wanted presentation.
Any idea to whats causing this and how to fix it?
(Attached images)
Hi, Grupo Belle.
Can you please give me a link to a page where I can see the issue?
Hi Fred,
Also, please note:
In the homepage you can see the main menu is centered.
If you navigate to a category page class "pk-flex" is added somehow, and the menu becomes aligned left!
(Disregard drop down menu "Aço e Bijuteria" because we added the title in a separate widget)
Hi, Grupo Belle.
Try this temporary quick fix: