• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 11.09.24, 16:23
  • Opened by: OLIVE HUGUES

Ticket #25752 - maj CE 2.11.0


We recently updated your theme thanks to your help. Unfortunately you have not updated your modules.

As the name of this ticket indicates, we tried to update Creative Element to its latest version in order to take advantage of their latest new features (especially in terms of performance where they have greatly improved). The problem is that a lot of your modules and especially the carousels break and no longer work. Can you confirm the compatibility with this version ?



Fred 11 Sep 2024, 21:44

I can't confirm compatibility because we don't have Pro version to test it.
Can you please give me a link to a page where I can see the issue?

OLIVE HUGUES 12 Sep 2024, 13:51

But then what version of CE is integrated into the module?

Fred 12 Sep 2024, 21:18

The version provided with the theme is 2.5.0-in-stock