• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 19.09.24, 17:41
  • Opened by: Pascal REGNIER

Ticket #25763 - Pb with product Module on home page

Hello Fred,

I have a pb on home page, under slide the first module is product. 2 pb are:
- the name of the tabs are in English and are not translated into French and Spanish
- and how i add new product or bestsellers, because i have new product but not show in this module.



Fred 19 Sep 2024, 21:29

Hi Paskal
1. That's Promokit Widget module so you can find translation in the Modules → Promokit Widgets

- New
By default, all products you add are considered to be New. You may change number of days during which your products is considered as “New” in Shop Parameters → Products Settings

- Featured
To make the product Featured, go to Catalog → Products and in Associations field add it to Home category

- Special
To make the product Special, go to Catalog → Products and add a discount.

- Bestseller
It's a product which was sold much times

- Cross-sellings
Are those products which were sold in the same cart with the currently viewed product