- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 19.09.24, 18:49
- Opened by: borja vinagre
Ticket #25764 - Update error and categories dont expand
Hi, im new here, i have 2 problems.
1- The sidebar categories dont expand with click, any has trouble with that? Before purchase the theme i ask about this error because i view it on the demo page, the devs say me that its fixed but im having it, how i can fix?
2- Update problem, i try to view if it was a new update but have strange error, its the normal error when i was on the last version?
3- Extra point jeje
Its possible to make that when i click add to cart open the right slide cart instead the old pop up? If is yes, can show how?
Thanks so much. :)
Hi, borja vinagre.
Please fill out all necessary fields in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your Back-office and FTP Server to let me apply a fix
Done, you can acces, too can answer the other parts? Thanks
1. fixed.
2. you have the latest theme version
3. There is no such issue. We could consider to add it in future updates
Thanks but i dont view it fixed, can check please? https://prnt.sc/uiil21-MR5rE
Maybe that's just a cache of your browser? Because it works for me now, see the screenshot
Nop i check on some browsers and have the same problem like the demo, sometimes works and sometimes not, and its a big issue because its a menu
I just checked 3 different browsers Safari (previous screenshot) Firefox and Chrome on attached screenshot. Everything is working with no issues
Hi, sorry, its working, but dont work with admin loged in, so for this reason i say isnt working, sorry ;).
Can check the other support ticket please?
Ok, I need some time to find out what's wrong
It seems to work now, as you can see I'm logged in into admin (I also logged in in front page) and category tree is working fine
Thanks so much :)
You are welcome!
In the categories menu when you are inside a category the buttons to expand not work, and the buttons to filter dont work too, can check please?
I believe your filter module is not configured properly. Please check that
I dont use a custom filter module, i use your filter module, how i can configure properly?
We do not provide our filter module, I believe you are using default prestashop filter module. So please make sure it's configured correctly
Okay i go to check it, have any recomendation of thirt party filter module? that works best than default prestashop?
The default one works great, just configure it
You are welcome!