- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 19.09.24, 19:11
- Opened by: borja vinagre
Ticket #25765 - Product miniature like demo
Hi i like import the products miniature like demo, with all things in the good size and the hover effect, how this can be possible? https://prnt.sc/Z9iXGLlg8Llr
Thanks so much.
Hi, borja vinagre.
Can you please give me a link to a page where I can see your label?
Yes you have all on my porfile now, thanks
I see now. That's because there are some specific styles which are coming with "Delight" demo. I have copied them to your store, please check
I view it now but i keep having these bugs, in the demo its like responsive and when i have it on my main home isnt it https://prnt.sc/csx4yYJTABkN
Try following fix:
it works like on attached screen
Where i need to put that text? on miniature template?
Navigate to Theme Settings → Customer CSS
Thanks i go try
Does it work?
Nop same problem, too in the page with categories if i click filter not happen anything
I just added the CSS by myself and it seems to be working now https://mega.nz/file/dNIWCaiZ#3a-jGM2WBUhmTD_KYv2T1jE10WKyaPWHJ-6pQ18kHJA
Thanks, and know how to fix this part to have all the product miniatures equal height? Too its possible to fix the name of add to cart or view product cutted?
It seems like Creative Elements slider configuration. I can't find how to change that for a while
This answer is for me? i mean about the product miniature configuration, its like configure the max lenght of the text no? More like that
Yes, that's correct answer. The carousel is a part of Creative Elements module and we can't find how to change that behaviour so far
¿you Have contacted with creative elements and dont have any help?
They do not provide such minor fixes. They will provide major module update. But we don’t know where
So its a problem of the module not a page configuration?
The problem is in the script used by the module