• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 30.09.24, 12:23
  • Opened by: morgan media SL

Ticket #25786 - Demo install error


After installing the theme (with some problems), I’ve activated the Jewelry Presets, but the homepage is broken, in https://cliente.morganmedia.es/jeanscorner/index.php

Can you take a look into the problem?

Thanks a lot.


morgan media SL 30 Sep 2024, 13:45


I am working with Creative Elements, and trying to edit the homepage, but everything is without styles. Even the product page is wrong, with errors.

And the Promokit Menu module is missing.


Fred 30 Sep 2024, 22:09

Hi, morgan media SL.
Your store is in maintenance mode https://mega.nz/file/FVAkUbYI#X4FLRQ7ldPtlASzzCG6e-Wu9aPkzs3ouUvIb1W1ZwyY and I'm not able to login to your back office. Please update credentials in your profile

morgan media SL 01 Oct 2024, 08:43

Hi, You can access now (I installed a backup and forgot to add the user again)

I`ve put the store visible (but with the error after trying to activate the theme)

Fred 01 Oct 2024, 22:44

Sorry, but I'm not able to connect neither to your back office nor to your ftp → https://mega.nz/file/wYhGzRpL#50xVxG8sBQj7viMxZKbPbIZ5uUVRZY2OZjmKADNKIkk

morgan media SL 02 Oct 2024, 08:12

You are using the wrong data to connect.
As you can read in the first comment, the URL is the one with /jeanscorner/ in it, so you need to search for the license for that URL.

Fred 02 Oct 2024, 22:19

Yes, sorry, now I get it.
How did you install the theme? For some reason one module is not seeing an another. I see that first time. Maybe the installation process was non standard?

morgan media SL 03 Oct 2024, 08:00

I used the standard process, using prestashop tool.
If you need to erase some things or need to start from scracth, you can.

morgan media SL 03 Oct 2024, 09:32

I install a new version in another folder and it seems to run smoothly. I've updated the info for the license and i will delete the current installation.
Thanks for your time and work.
Here is the link: https://cliente.morganmedia.es/jeanscornernew/index.php

morgan media SL 03 Oct 2024, 12:25

I just notice in this new installation that there is not an option to edit the menu.
In others installations, it appears in the Promokit section.
I've tried to found the module btu there isn't in the module list.
Thanks a lot

morgan media SL 03 Oct 2024, 12:32

If I try to edit the translations of Alysum or Promokit Modules, I recive an "undefined" error


Fred 03 Oct 2024, 12:41

Yes, I see. Strange, need to investigate that. Back to you with some news soon

Fred 03 Oct 2024, 21:05

How to reproduce it because everything seems to be ok in your back office → https://mega.nz/file/xUB2HYjD#NFXsRMqcYff0gRDb214emuP1BNfHASE6mN1cswRsMB0

morgan media SL 04 Oct 2024, 08:12

For the translation error: if you deactivate the debug mode, and try to edit the alysum translation, you will recieve the "undefined error message"
For the menu edit erro: there is no option in the menu, in the Promokit Section.

Thanks a lot!

Fred 04 Oct 2024, 21:44

1. Classic theme translation has the same issue. There are some warnings about deprivations in prestashop core https://mega.nz/file/FRRVwaoY#CrkZEbeLfVMt-1YiWZb-Z-HxyA3bhvbRpNlc2uklAvg that is not related to the theme. Try to update PS to the latest version 8.2
2. If you mean there is no menu module, yes, right. Use "Nav" widget instead in Creative Elements editor mode