• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 07.10.24, 19:55
  • Opened by: Thomas Ullrich

Ticket #25798 - How to customize Search Result Page, Theme settings admin link not functional

Hi Fred,

1. I wonder how I can custimize the search result page. It shows a strange categories tree on the left side which is not functional at all. It is collapsed and cannot be extended. I’d rather take if off this template. I don’t find an option in the Theme settings where the search result page is defined.
Btw -
2. the theme settings in the admin area of the new 8.1.5. installation (on https://prestashop.musterheld.de/backroomhoney) can not be opened from the menu. It seems like the menu link ‘Theme settings’ is not functional any more. I always copy the link from the old 1.7.8 installation, adjust the url and open the settings with the link ‘https://prestashop.musterheld.de/backroomhoney/index.php/modules/pkthemesettings/configuration‘. Do I need to re-install the whole Theme to make this work again?



Fred 07 Oct 2024, 21:53

Hi, Thomas.
1. Please check out the FAQ#5 in the documentation https://alysum.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/#faq

2. I believe it's just not installed properly, have you tried to reset it?

Thomas Ullrich 08 Oct 2024, 00:52

1. Great, never used that option to change the default layout before. Thanks for your help. And, to myself: RTFM!
2. No, never used the rest option. Doesn't this erase my customization and all resets all options to OOTB status? I think I'd rather make an upgrade and intall a new version, if there is any.

Thomas Ullrich 08 Oct 2024, 11:00

Above: sorry for the typo. I meant: No, never used the reset option.

@2: Will a re-installation of the theme solve this issue? Which kind of re-installation do you recommend in order to keep current configuration (i.e. customized templates etc.)? Via FTP or using the installation routine in the admin area?

I just realized I do have a similar problem with the admin menu link Design/Template and Logo. It ends in 'Page not found'. It calls up https://prestashop.musterheld.de/backroomhoney/index.php instead of https://prestashop.musterheld.de/backroomhoney/index.php/improve/design/themes/. I have no clue why. If I copa the link from another installation (changing the URL, of course) everything works fine.

Is there a wey to 'customize' or repair these links in the admin menu? If I use the correct links it works perfectly, so I just have to change the href in the admin menu. I understand this is likely not a matter of the theme, so let me thank you in advance for any recommendation.

Fred 08 Oct 2024, 22:01

I see such issue with different modules very often and I consider that as prestashop bug. There is another easy way to get configuration page of a module, just navigate to Modules → Theme Settings and click Configure

Thomas Ullrich 09 Oct 2024, 01:52

I completely forgot this option. Thanks for reminding me.

Fred 09 Oct 2024, 10:13

No problem. You are welcome