• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 09.10.24, 22:03
  • Opened by: Thomas Ullrich

Ticket #25801 - preview button in category view

Hi Fred,

in our new installation prestashop.musterheld.de I do have a little problem with the preview button in the category view.
In order to see what I mean please do the following:

1. Open https://prestashop.musterheld.de 2. Open a category like ‘brandeu’. All Items shown have three action buttons: preview, cart, wishlist.
3. Open the preview on any article. In preview, choose ‘add to cart’.
4. Choose ‘weiter einkaufen’ which leads you back to category view.
5. All the items have only two action buttons: cart, wishlist. The button ‘preview’ is gone. Why?

Thank you for your help.



Fred 10 Oct 2024, 23:01

Hi, Thomas.
I see a blank page here https://prestashop.musterheld.de

Thomas Ullrich 10 Oct 2024, 23:28

Very strange.
It should forward you to https://prestashop.musterheld.de/de/ and then open the homepage.

Thomas Ullrich 10 Oct 2024, 23:31

Maybe it is a problem with the litespeed cache which I don't see as my browser cache is covering it up. I just cleared the litespeed cache - please try again.

Fred 12 Oct 2024, 21:24

Yes, I see the issue. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible

Fred 12 Oct 2024, 21:39

Open the file
find this block in the end of file

body:has(.blockcart-modal) .quick-view,
body:has(.blockcart-modal) .quick-view + .modal-backdrop {
    display: none !important;

and replace it with

body:has(.blockcart-modal.in) .quick-view,
body:has(.blockcart-modal.in) .quick-view + .modal-backdrop {
    display: none !important;
Thomas Ullrich 13 Oct 2024, 23:32

Done and solved. Thank you, Fred.
One thing that worries me: is https://prestashop.musterheld.de still a blank page for you? That would mean the forwarding to the language version https://prestashop.musterheld.de/de does not work properly, right? Do you have an idea, what might be the reason?